


Daniel Roberts 2014年02月17日




????電動(dòng)汽車方程式已經(jīng)把眼光放到第二賽季了,屆時(shí),它將向其它廠商開放汽車設(shè)計(jì)。這一點(diǎn)甚至令潛在的競爭對手都感到興奮。Andretti Autosport車隊(duì)的營銷總監(jiān)約翰?洛佩斯說:“在技術(shù)研發(fā)方面,它將成為各方競相拓荒的處女地。像對于電池壽命及安全性,以及如何處理火災(zāi),如何處理碰撞這些技術(shù),它都是一個(gè)構(gòu)建這些技術(shù)的完美平臺?!币郧癆ndretti車隊(duì)主要參加的是印地賽,這次它也將組隊(duì)參加電動(dòng)汽車方程式錦標(biāo)賽。Andretti車隊(duì)并沒有將這項(xiàng)賽事看成一個(gè)競爭對手,而是把它看成一個(gè)向車迷提供多樣選擇的機(jī)會。洛佩斯說:“我們非??春眠@項(xiàng)賽事。它有沒有面對什么重大的挑戰(zhàn)?當(dāng)然。但是我可以告訴你,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)贊助商對這次賽事的興趣比我們參加的任何一次賽事都濃厚。從市場和科技的角度講,這都是一個(gè)印地賽還沒有涉足的領(lǐng)域?!?/p>







????Fans will have a way to vote for their favorite drivers through social media right up until the start of each race, and the five drivers who get the most votes will be able to use a 10-second, 60-horsepower speed burst whenever they choose. (All cars will have that extra oomph stored, but only five will get to use it.) That may risk turning off older racing aficionados. Shouldn't a race be determined only by racing skill, not by which driver sent out the best tweets?

????But at least 16 famous drivers, who have publicly endorsed Formula E (not the same, yet, as committing to drive in it), are impressed. "Being in city streets instead of circuits, it underlines that they're trying to be different," says Karun Chandhok, a former F1 racer and potential Formula E driver. "They're not trying to be IndyCar or Formula 1."

????Another group that sees potential already: sponsors. Formula E landed Tag Heuer, Michelin, Qualcomm (QCOM), Renault, and DHL. Qualcomm is especially notable as the first big tech company to back it. "Now that they have seen the car and we've brought it around, it's very easy [for other sponsors] to jump on," says Agag, "but Qualcomm did that before anything was there." Notably absent, though, are the mainstream consumer brands that are perennial sponsors of big sports events: Coca-Cola and Pepsi, McDonald's, Nike, and Adidas.

????Formula E is already looking down the road at its second season, when it will open up the car design to other manufacturers. That's exciting even to would-be competitors. John Lopes, CMO of Andretti Autosport, says, "It's the one place that will truly be the Wild West in terms of technical development. Things like battery life and safety and how you deal with fires and what happens in a crash, this is the perfect place to build out that technology." Andretti chiefly competes in IndyCar, but will have a team in Formula E, which it is viewing not as a competitor, but simply a diversification of offerings for fans. "We're really bullish on the series," says Lopes. "Does it have big challenges? Definitely. But I can tell you that we have seen more sponsor interest in this series than any other series we've been involved in. From a market standpoint and a technology standpoint, this is a space IndyCar is not in."

????Agag, the Formula E co-founder and CEO, is a former European Parliament politician and longtime motorsport executive. He owned a team that raced in the GP2 series (a feeder for Formula 1), ran a consultancy in London and co-owned the British soccer team Queens Park Rangers with steel titan Lakshmi Mittal. Agag is just the sort of well-connected, savvy sports exec you'd expect to launch an ambitious new sports series that incorporates green technology and social media. But his success will depend in part on consumer opinions about owning electric cars.

????Some of Formula E's supporters have high hopes that the sport will influence the electric auto market. "If we make electric vehicles seem cooler and more attractive, it may pay off with more electric sales to this category of fans," says Causeway managing partner and Celtics CEO Wyc Grousbeck. Causeway's investment success is not directly dependent on electric car sales, but it will depend on sponsors wanting to advertise with the series, and that will grow and wane along with the health of the electric car market.

????Perhaps Agag should have tapped Tesla (TSLA) as the inaugural manufacturer, not Renault. BMW, Fiat, Nissan, and Honda (HMC) all make an electric model now; might they ever jump in to Formula E? It would certainly help with the cool quotient. And that is the sport's challenge: to shift the narrative that electric cars aren't cool--Elon Musk notwithstanding.

????If attitudes around electric cars can't evolve, then an electric racing series, no matter how many eager brands and smart investors are behind it, might crash and burn.

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