


Beth Kowitt 2014年02月21日

????蒂特里克是一位素食主義者,創(chuàng)辦漢普頓河食品公司是因為他非常反感集約化畜牧業(yè),因為它對待動物的方式,它產(chǎn)生的食品安全問題,以及這個系統(tǒng)的低效率。然而,他希望他的產(chǎn)品具有廣泛的吸引力,而不僅僅限于具有環(huán)保意識的人群。他淡化了自己的食品政治信仰,一心一意地推動自己的產(chǎn)品進入主流市場【他已經(jīng)與全食超市(Whole Foods)簽訂了一份分銷合同】,同時確保它比其他替代品更加實惠。

????蒂特里克在去年10月份的一個宴會上碰到了帕托維。帕托維之所以對食品的社會問題產(chǎn)生興趣是因為讀了邁克爾?波倫的著作《雜食者的困境》(The Omnivore's Dilemma)。這本書讓帕托維覺得,他的日常食物是生產(chǎn)商采用欺騙性手法推銷給他的。他是Farmland LP公司的顧問之一,這只房地產(chǎn)基金致力于購買傳統(tǒng)農(nóng)田,同時將農(nóng)作物轉(zhuǎn)化為有機食品。



????他還發(fā)現(xiàn),Just Mayo并沒有引發(fā)轉(zhuǎn)基因食品通常遭遇的消極反應(yīng)(出現(xiàn)這種反感心理的部分原因是,消費者覺得生產(chǎn)商在欺騙他們)。漢普頓河食品公司“使用豌豆蛋白,而不是雞蛋,”他說?!熬褪沁@么單純?!?/p>




????Tetrick is a vegan who was inspired to start Hampton Creek because he was disgusted by intensive animal agriculture -- its treatment of animals, its resulting food safety issues, and the general inefficiencies of the system. However, he wants his product to have widespread appeal, not only to the environmentally conscious. He downplays his own beliefs around food politics and instead focuses on making his product mainstream -- he has a distribution deal with Whole Foods (WFM) -- and more affordable than the alternatives.

????Partovi, who Tetrick met at a dinner party in October, first got interested in the social causes around food after reading Michael Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma, which made him feel like the food in his diet had been deceptively marketed to him. He is an adviser to Farmland LP, a real estate fund that buys conventional farmland and converts the crops to organic.

????"I started looking for opportunities where a better way of doing things would also be a more profitable way of doing things," he says, "situations where one thing is healthier for the consumer and healthier for the planet and would also be cheaper, more affordable, and more profitable."

????He said that formula rarely exists, but when it does -- as was the case with Hampton Creek -- it's a great investment opportunity.

????He also found that Just Mayo didn't evoke the negative reaction that can come with biotech foods, in part because consumers feel like they're being deceived. With Hampton Creek, "instead of eggs, there's pea protein," he says. "It's as simple and innocent as that."

????Partovi acknowledges that the organic and sustainable agriculture community has a historical distrust of biotech, but Hampton Creek may be able to bridge the divide. "Hampton Creek is bringing those two worlds together," Patrovi says, "and an important part of my role with the company will be to help those two worlds embrace each other a little bit."


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