
Check Point總裁:光靠防火墻還不夠

Check Point總裁:光靠防火墻還不夠

Michal Lev-Ram 2014年03月06日

????一年一度匯聚美國頂尖信息安全公司高管的信息安全大會(RSA Conference)今年引起了不小的爭議(路透社報道稱,信息安全大會與美國國家安全局合作,在加密產(chǎn)品中留下“后門”,以方便政府更容易地竊取用戶信息。這一消息引起許多專家對大會的抵制——譯注)。不過無論規(guī)模大小,大多數(shù)公司來到這里,只是為了展示他們在防范網(wǎng)絡(luò)犯罪方面最新、最好的技術(shù)。

????這些公司很幸運,因為如今引人矚目的網(wǎng)絡(luò)攻擊越來越多,使得各企業(yè)在安全工具上的花費越來越高。根據(jù)研究公司高德納(Gartner)的數(shù)據(jù),信息安全市場的規(guī)模將會從去年的約6,700萬美元增長至2017年的9,500萬美元。不過防火墻——對,就算是下一代防火墻——和殺毒軟件已經(jīng)不夠用了。這也是為什么思科(Cisco)、瞻博網(wǎng)絡(luò)(Juniper Networks)這樣的服務(wù)提供商,還有帕洛阿爾托網(wǎng)絡(luò)公司(Palo Alto Networks)這樣的后起之秀都已經(jīng)開始拓展業(yè)務(wù)范圍。

????為了更深入地了解不斷變化的客戶購買模式,探索更開放的新一代“威脅智能感知數(shù)據(jù)”的收集和共享方式,《財富》采訪了阿姆農(nóng)?巴勒夫。他是信息安全業(yè)居于領(lǐng)先地位的以色列供應(yīng)商、Check Point軟件技術(shù)公司(Check Point Software Technologies)的總裁。


????巴勒夫:這個行業(yè)現(xiàn)在有兩大趨勢。其中之一是從單純的防火墻(依靠防火墻的保護措施)轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)楦嗟刈钃跬{。當(dāng)今世界上所有的防火墻提供商都擁有了下一代防火墻,它已經(jīng)變成了商品。但是大家已經(jīng)意識到,光有防火墻還不夠。所以他們在其中加入了越來越多的技術(shù)——反木馬程序、各種阻擋威脅的工具、威脅模擬功能,當(dāng)然還有入侵防御系統(tǒng)(intrusion prevention system)。













????This year's RSA Conference, an annual gathering of the nation's top information security executives, has already had its share of controversy. But most of the companies in attendance -- both big and small -- are there simply to show off their latest and greatest cybercrime-fighting technologies.

????Lucky for them, the growing number of high-profile cyber-attacks have led corporations to spend more and more on security tools. According to research firm Gartner, the information security market will grow from an estimated $67 billion last year to $95 billion by 2017. But firewalls -- yes, even next-generation firewalls -- and anti-virus software are no longer enough. That's why vendors like Cisco (CSCO), Juniper Networks (JNPR) and newer players like Palo Alto Networks (PANW) are branching out.

????To find out more about customers' changing buying patterns and the rise of new, more open approaches to gather and share threat-intelligence data, Fortune caught up with Amnon Bar-Lev, the president of Israel-based Check Point Software Technologies (CHKP), one of the IT security industry's leading providers.

????Fortune: What are customers asking you for? What are you hearing here at RSA?

????Bar-Lev: There are a couple of trends happening in this industry. One is the move from purely firewall [-based protection] to more threat prevention. All of the firewall vendors in the world today have next-generation firewalls; it really became a commodity. But people understand that firewall is not enough. So they are adding more and more technology into that space -- anti-bots, different threat prevention activities, threat emulation, and IPS ["intrusion prevention system" --Ed.] for sure.

????The second trend is clearly consolidation. I think people used to have a lot of point products because they felt that's the best-of-breed approach. But this has changed. We have the best IPS in the market and it's integrated, not a dedicated box. We don't think it should be a dedicated box. There's a significant amount of growth that we're seeing coming from consolidation. People are looking for more protection, they don't feel secure enough.

????Which industries are most freaked out?

????I don't know if they're freaked out, but clearly the finance industry is probably the most advanced industry regarding security. They're quite advanced in looking for new solutions and technologies and implementing them. Second is probably telcos. They have two different networks, their operation part and their IT part. The IT part is like any other enterprise, but they're quite advanced. Operations are much more conservative, but down time is a very big issue.

????But there was a major change in the industry when LTE [the fourth-generation wireless technology --Ed.] came out, which is all IP-based. So they have to protect base stations and the connection between base stations and now they started implementing more and more security. But we have over 100,000 customers in any vertical you can think of.

????What piece of all of these various products people are buying today do you not have and want to have?

????I think we have most of it. There's something called a web application firewall and we don't really play in this space. There are a lot of things under development now, like to better secure mobile devices.

????Are you hearing a lot of demand for that [mobile device security solutions]?

????I don't know if I'd say "demand," but definitely "buzz." Because nobody has a very simple, straightforward solution to solve this. Most of the things are too much of an intrusion now.

????Overall, security is not a great thing for a business to invest in because they don't see a return and they don't know how to measure a return on security. It's like armies -- how many fighter jets should an army have? You don't know. You build your own assumption. It's the same thing here about security. It depends on how much budget they have and then they spend it.

????From the other side, people want to do everything that they can. and sometimes security and functionality doesn't go together. One of the biggest challenges is to make sure security is an enabler and not a disabler.

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