


Scott Cendrowski 2014年03月07日

????早在《紙牌屋》(House of Cards)第二季登陸中國之前,這部美劇就獲得了一波好萊塢制片人做夢都不敢想的免費宣傳。






????美國也出現(xiàn)了類似的情形。《大西洋月刊》(The Atlantic)網(wǎng)站給《紙牌屋》是一部傳統(tǒng)的熱播劇集這種說法潑了一瓢冷水。作者德里克?湯普森點出了問題的要害:



????這些劇集吸引的觀眾數(shù)量數(shù)倍于《紙牌屋》的粉絲,但并沒有受到西方媒體關(guān)注。金玉米說,CBS(哥倫比亞廣播公司)的劇集《生活大爆炸》(Big Bang Theory)與《紙牌屋》具有一定的可比性。兩者都是在中國很方便收看的美劇。與《紙牌屋》不同,《生活大爆炸》并沒有因為它在中國備受歡迎而受到媒體連篇累牘的報道。但《生活大爆炸》顯然更受青睞——根據(jù)搜狐的數(shù)據(jù),這部劇集單是最新一季就斬獲了1.15億次的點擊量,每一集的點擊量大約為700萬次。






????Before House of Cards' second season arrived for streaming in China, the show got the type of free publicity that Hollywood producers can only dream of.

????A Hong Kong magazine reported that China's anti-corruption tsar, a member of China's powerful seven-man Politburo Standing Committee, was a big fan of the Netflix (NFLX) drama. The tsar was particularly impressed with the main character's role in ensuring party discipline as Majority Whip in the U.S. House of Representatives.

????The story spread like wildfire across China's social networks Sina Weibo, WeChat, and others. When the show finally became available two months later on Sohu.com, China's third-largest video content site and a scrappy underdog to Youku and Baidu's video site, stories in the U.S. press labeled it a huge hit and immensely popular with the Chinese, especially the realistic storyline involving a Sino billionaire fleeing corruption charges and growing diplomatic tensions between China and Japan.

????But media hype and popularity are different beasts, and for all the goodwill House of Cards gets in China, viewership numbers don't tell the story of a mega-hit. The show is like artisanal cheese made in Brooklyn -- the influential love it, but that doesn't make it a phenomenon across the U.S.

????According to Sohu's figures, House of Cards' second season has 29 million views, which works out to 2.2 million views per episode. For a foreign show with plotlines that are difficult to follow even if you know U.S. Senate procedures, that's impressive. But a hit? Country Love, a comedy about rural life in China's northeast, recorded 360 million views in its latest season on Sohu, roughly 6 million per episode.

????"The numbers don't support the argument that House of Cards is super important," says Jeremy Goldkorn, a consultant in Beijing who tracks Chinese media for his firm Danwei and recently binge watched House of Cards' new season. He says the show is, however, "popular amongst a demographic that is influential and significant -- urban white collars, intellectuals, journalists, and apparently government officials."

????In the U.S., a similar pattern has emerged. The Atlantic's website threw cold water on the idea ofHouse of Cards being a conventional TV hit. The writer, Derek Thompson, has it right:

????"It's no coincidence that the programs selected to please a small, educated audiences are celebrated by the small, educated TV writers who ignore what everybody else is watching."

????In China, what everybody else is watching is the same kind of easy-to-follow fare that works in the U.S. Although tracking what's popular here can be tough because China's government doesn't allow top 10 lists of movies and television, partly to discourage producers from endlessly copying the most popular shows in lieu of creating new ones, Sohu does release a list of its most popular streaming content. Its top seven TV shows: Diors Man, Village Love, Real Man, Heros of Sui, andTang Dynasties, The Heroes, The Ladybros, Love of Parents.

????All those generate many multiples more viewers than House of Cards, but get little press in the West. Goldkorn says CBS's Big Bang Theory is the show to compare to House of Cards in China. Both are foreign and widely available. Unlike House of Cards, Big Bang doesn't get loads of press for its popularity in China. But Big Bang is easily more popular -- the latest season alone recorded 115 million views, according to Sohu, or 7 million per episode.

????Most of my Chinese friends have at some point mentioned Big Bang to me; I haven't yet talked about House of Cards. But in the press, you rarely read this. "Big Bang doesn't seem to push the same buttons," says Goldkorn.

????Writers often equate popularity in Beijing and Shanghai, China's biggest cities and where manyHouse of Cards viewers live, for popularity in China. It's an easy error to make. They are the Mainland's richest cities, but their populations amount to just 3% of the country as a whole. That's the equivalent of using New York City and half of Chicago to describe America.

????You can't say House of Cards hasn't piqued interest in the Middle Kingdom. The prospect of a Washington political drama, distributed exclusively online in the U.S., being released simultaneously in China, and gaining millions of viewers in the process, was unfathomable a few years ago. But in China, perception and reality are often different in a country of 1.3 billion consumers.

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