


Peter Suciu 2014年03月07日



????市場研究公司NPD集團(NPD Group)的DisplaySearch估計,今年中國將在4K電視機市場上占據(jù)78%的份額。這個比例比起2013年的87%已經(jīng)有所下滑,但仍然是世界其他地區(qū)之和的三倍。即便其他地區(qū)現(xiàn)在開始追趕,中國依然會在明年的4K電視出貨量上保持領先地位。

????NPD DisplaySearch全球電視產(chǎn)業(yè)調(diào)研總監(jiān)保羅?蓋格南告訴《財富》雜志:“其他國家的4K電視市場也會有所增長。大部分地區(qū)在2014年都會有兩位數(shù)的年增長率?!?/p>



????市場研究公司The Diffusion Group顯示技術資深分析師喬爾?艾斯派林說:“有幾個因素導致了這種現(xiàn)象。中國的視頻市場年輕得多,所以裝機基數(shù)較小。而在美國和西歐,電視市場已經(jīng)非常飽和,如今人們購買新電視往往只是為了換掉舊的?!?/p>




????Lately, shipments and sales of televisions are about as flat as the sets. According to the market research firm TrendForce, panel shipments for TVs amounted to just 65.07 million units in January, dropping 12% month-to-month.

????The one bright side for the industry? Next-generation display technology called 4K -- it's also known as Ultra-HDTV or UHD -- is poised to take off in 2014, bringing four times the resolution to the screen. But it isn't America that is leading the way.

????It's China.

????NPD Group's DisplaySearch forecast that China will account for 78% of the 4K TV market, which is actually down from an 87% share in 2013. In 2014, China will lead all other regions combined by a factor of three. Even as other regions begin catch-up, China will remain the leading region for 4K TV shipments next year.

????"There is going to be growth in the rest of the market, but the Chinese growth dwarfs everything else," Paul Gagnon, director for global TV research at NPD DisplaySearch, told Fortune. "Most regions are seeing double-digit growth in 2014 over 2013."

????The primary driver is the rapid consumerization underway in the country, Gagnon said. "There are actually two groups of TV buyers in China," he said. "There is the rural region where people might not even have a TV, and then there are the well-to-do urban households where they might own two flat panel TVs. That urban market is now replacing the TVs at a more rapid rate than what we've seen in the United States."

????In the United States, 4K remains very much in the early adopter phase due to high prices. In China, it has essentially become mass market.

????"There are a few causes for this," said Joel Espelien, senior analyst for display technology at The Diffusion Group. "The Chinese video market is a lot younger so there is less of an install base, while in the United States and Western Europe you have a wildly saturated market where people are very much now only buying new TVs as a replacement."

????Chinese manufacturers have taken notice. Previously, the newest and most advanced models might have been pushed to developed markets in North America and Western Europe. Now, Chinese TV makers including TCL and Hisense are happy to control the marketplace in their own backyard. "On the global scale, China is incredibly important for the sale of 4K TVs," Jonathan Frank, vice president of marketing at Hisense USA said. "We are seeing the largest adoption and growth in China, and there is much more readily available 4K content, which in turn drives sales."

????China will always be a primary part of the Hisense strategy, but the U.S. will be a close second, Frank said. Which means Chinese manufacturers may be able to drive down prices for the expensive technology, accelerating its push into the mainstream in developed markets. "Hisense has always stood for 'attainable technology,'" Frank stressed. "Having said that, with 4K being a relatively new technology there is no reason to enter the 'race to zero' yet."

????Today, 4K TVs are about three to four times the price of a regular HDTV set in the U.S. In China, 4K sets are about 30% higher. "The cost to produce 4K is not four times," Gagnon said. "So the ability to make them cheaper now already exists. What we are seeing is that the top-tier brands have more features, but this is a new category that comes with a high price and for the manufacturers provides a high profit."Which means the MSRP is likely to fall.

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