


Peter Suciu 2014年03月07日










????"There is nothing to stop the eroding price," Espelien said. "These sets merely have the next-gen chipsets and the latest glass, so the prices will fall especially if the Chinese can build volumes of sale. It is still going to remain a premium product for the time being, and it won't be in the lowest end sets at Costco, but Chinese 4K sets will drive the price down."

????The 4K push could help establish Hisense as a major player in the U.S. market. But it isn't clear that a Chinese brand will be able to emerge quite as successfully as South Korea's Samsung and LG were able to over the past decade. "The Chinese market isn't going to look like that," Espelien said. "It is too fragmented, and the strongest Chinese electronics brand, Lenovo, isn't a big player in TVs. So the biggest brand isn't even competing in the U.S. right now."

????There remain hurdles. 4K technology requires high-resolution content to match. Without it, most consumers won't see the benefit. Worse, cheaper 4K sets may not handle today's Full HD 1080p content very well, and perhaps worse than today's sets -- not exactly a selling point for the consumer.

????"There are more pixels on the screen so content needs to be upconverted," Gagnon said. "The quality of that upconversion matters a lot. The low end sets might not handle it as well, and as a result, a low-end 4K set might not look as good as decent 1080p set."

????Here, too, is where China could have a leg up on the U.S.

????"The traditional pay-TV market in China is less entrenched," Espelien said. "But in China people are watching TV online, where 4K is picking up steam. That potentially helps the market even more."

????The irony, said the professional TV calibrator and TV industry consultant Kevin Miller, is that the 4K resolution is all the industry is really talking about. "Resolution is what everyone is excited about," he said. "I don't even like to call these 4K, as that only addresses the resolution. It is actually the least important part. These UHD sets will have better bit depth, and that is going to be so much more important than just four times the resolution."

????Picture quality on a television is also determined by a set's ability to produce deep black levels and a strong contrast ratio. "It is in these areas where you'll really see the difference," Miller said. "Frankly, the best 2K [1080p] displays can destroy the early 4K sets in picture quality. But resolution is what they can hang their hat on."


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