


John Gaudiosi 2014年03月11日

????斯坦?李不愿回答自己是不是曾經(jīng)被一只放射性蜘蛛咬過,或者是否遭受過過量伽瑪射線的輻射這類問題,但這位91歲的驚奇漫畫公司(Marvel Comics)前發(fā)行人比以前更加忙碌。李最近在美國廣播公司(ABC )播出的電視劇集《神盾局》(Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)中客串出演了一個(gè)配角。



????李參與創(chuàng)造了大量的超級英雄形象,比如蜘蛛俠(Spider-Man)、鋼鐵俠(Iron Man)、X戰(zhàn)警(X-Men)、綠巨人(the Hulk)和神奇四俠(the Fantastic Four)。他的演出履歷滿滿當(dāng)當(dāng)。李在迪斯尼公司(Disney)現(xiàn)已發(fā)行的電影《雷神:黑暗世界》(Thor: The Dark World)藍(lán)光和DVD版本中客串了一個(gè)配角。他今年將在大銀幕上露面兩次,分別是迪斯尼和驚奇漫畫聯(lián)合聯(lián)合出品、定于4月4日上映的電影《美國隊(duì)長:冬天的士兵》(Captain America: The Winter Soldier),以及索尼影業(yè)(Sony Pictures)出品、定于5月2日上映的電影《神奇的蜘蛛人2》(The Amazing Spider-Man 2 )。此外,他還將在驚奇漫畫為奈飛公司(Netflix)制作的新劇集《夜魔俠》(Daredevil)和幾部新的超級英雄電影中飾演配角。李很想在“每部作品”中都客串一下,但他不會出現(xiàn)在今年上映的另外兩部電影中,分別是福克斯影業(yè)(Fox)出品的電影《X戰(zhàn)警:逆轉(zhuǎn)未來》(X-Men: Days of Future Past)和迪斯尼公司的《銀河護(hù)衛(wèi)隊(duì)》( Guardians of the Galaxy )。



????李已經(jīng)欣然接受游戲和技術(shù),其中包括動(dòng)態(tài)漫畫和數(shù)字漫畫。去年夏天,他在動(dòng)視暴雪公司(Activision)制作的視頻游戲《神奇的蜘蛛人》(The Amazing Spider-Man)中飾演他自己。


????2004年以來,李和合作伙伴吉爾?錢皮恩一直通過Pow娛樂公司(Pow Entertainment)面向電影、電視、漫畫、視頻游戲、數(shù)字,甚至音樂劇等領(lǐng)域推廣新的超級英雄形象。這家已于2006年上市的公司現(xiàn)在甚至與斯坦?李的科密卡茲博覽會(Comikaze)一道,在洛杉磯會展中心(Angeles Convention Center)舉辦自己的秋季博覽會。



????Stan Lee won't comment on whether he was ever bitten by a radioactive spider or if he experienced an overdose of gamma radiation, but at 91 the former publisher of Marvel Comics is busier than ever. Lee recently made a cameo in the ABC TV series, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

????"The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. role was almost a starring vehicle for me, I think I was on screen for almost a full minute," quipped Lee. "It was fun."

????Lee admitted that the Marvel TV series didn't get off to the fast start that he thought it would, but he believes it's starting to build "beautifully because they're starting to get more fantasy into it." He hopes to see the ratings go up, and not just because of his little performance.

????The co-creator of superheroes such as Spider-Man, Iron Man, X-Men, the Hulk, and the Fantastic Four is keeping his acting resume full. Lee has a cameo in the Disney Blu-ray and DVD release of Thor: The Dark World (out now) and will be seen on the big screen this year in Disney and Marvel's Captain America: The Winter Soldier (out April 4) and Sony Pictures' The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (out May 2). He'll be making a cameo in the new Marvel Daredevil TV series from Netflix (NFLX), as well as new superhero movies. He'd love to have a cameo in "everything," although he won't be appearing in Fox's X-Men: Days of Future Past or Disney's Guardians of the Galaxy this year.

????With new Marvel big screen adaptations being greenlit regularly by Disney (DIS), it's hard to find a superhero who's not getting a movie franchise. But Lee wants every one of his comic book characters to get their own film.

????"I think everything we've ever done would make a good movie, but of course I'm prejudiced," he says.

????Lee, who starred as himself in Activision's (ATVI) The Amazing Spider-Man video game last summer, has embraced games and technology, including motion comics and digital comics.

????"When you think about it, it's as though entertainment is becoming more and more personal," said Lee. "The person being entertained, the viewer or the customer or whatever you want to call him or her, is becoming more and more involved in the story."

????Since 2004, Lee and partner Gill Champion have been working on brand new superheroes for film, TV, comics, video games, digital, and even musicals through Pow Entertainment. The company, which went public in 2006, even has its own fall expo with Stan Lee's Comikaze at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

????Champion said that the success of the Los Angeles show, along with Stan's brand, has provided a catalyst to bring the convention to other U.S. cities, as well as to international cities in countries like China and India.

????"The only thing that's holding us up is it's taking me a hell of a long time to learn to speak all those languages," added Lee.

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