


Gerald Bernstein 2014年03月11日













????Skin.The skin is a tough, dense tissue that protects our body by keeping foreign material out. Drugs can be delivered through the skin, but a large molecule like insulin needs a supplemental electrical force to pierce the skin. This is expensive and impractical. There have been attempts to use a patch with chemicals that open the pores, but over years it has not moved forward.

????Nasal membranes.Insulin has been successfully delivered through the nasal membranes, but they are too fragile for regular use.

????Lining of the mouth.This is a resilient membrane that also has absorptive capacity (think chewing tobacco). Insulin in solution has been sprayed into the mouth using an asthma-like inhaler that enables rapid absorption into the blood stream. This is a promising avenue that is undergoing tests in the U.S. and India.

????Lungs.A few years ago delivery to and through the lungs was developed, but there are and were concerns about long-term usage and lung damage. The FDA approved it but only with regular periodic pulmonary function tests. The financial impracticality and limited prescribing led the producer to take it off the market. Another product has been under study for some time and will be reviewed by the FDA.

????So if none of these really work, why not deliver insulin in a pill? Seems like a simple answer, but it's anything but. For one thing, as anyone with recurrent heartburn, irritable bowel and the like knows, no two days in the GI tract are the same.

????Then there's the hamburger syndrome. When insulin is swallowed, it must pass through the vicious acid environment of the stomach, then through the equally vicious pool of digestive enzymes in the duodenum, then finally onto and through the lining of the intestines before it enters the bloodstream. Insulin must also pass through the liver, where it may be destroyed or sequestered before reaching the general blood flow and the body's tissues.

????Many companies have tried and failed to package insulin in a pill, and several new systems designed to protect insulin from the body are under development. I remain skeptical.

????Which brings us back to the robotic device mentioned at the start, which is basically a capsule consisting of a polymer shell and a cargo of tiny, hollow needles made of sugar. Like a typical pill, the capsule is swallowed and makes its way through the GI tract. Once it reaches the small intestine, acids in the body dissolves the outer layer of the capsule, freeing a balloonlike structure that expands and gently pushes the drug-filled needles into the wall of the intestine.

????It is an interesting concept that could have legs as a drug-delivery system, but it's a long way from market. Its application to insulin also remains to be seen.

????Dr. Gerald Bernstein is director of the Diabetes Management Program at Friedman Diabetes Institute at the Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City and past president of the American Diabetes Association.

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