


Jonathan Weinberg 2014年03月14日



????這家公司迅速走紅?,F(xiàn)如今,全球各地有超過10萬家企業(yè)正在使用Huddle提供的軟件即服務內容協(xié)作平臺,其中不乏寶潔(Procter & Gamble)、聯(lián)合利華(Unilever)和起亞汽車(Kia Motors)這樣的大牌公司。它的同名產品致力于幫助團隊更有效、更安全地協(xié)同工作,無論是編輯文檔,管理任務,還是跨設備(比如從桌面到平板電腦)共享文件。




????直到碰到了好友阿拉斯泰爾?米切爾(現(xiàn)任Huddle公司CEO),他的這個想法終于開始付諸實施。阿拉斯泰爾此前一直嘗試著實施微軟協(xié)同辦公平臺Microsoft SharePoint,但總是以失敗告終。很快,兩人下定決心,一定要打造一套遠比市場現(xiàn)有產品“更簡便易用、更有吸引力”的新系統(tǒng)。這對創(chuàng)業(yè)拍檔堅決放棄了笨重的界面和工作流(這是傳統(tǒng)商業(yè)工具的典型特征),轉而追求一種更接近于消費類軟件的應用體驗。






????The startup Huddle has a Silicon Valley-style name, is used by several branches of the U.S. government, and has offices in San Francisco, New York, and Washington, D.C.. But look a bit closer, and you might be surprised to discover that the cloud-based collaboration company is actually British.

????About two-thirds of the company's 170 employees are located at Huddle's East London headquarters, just a tube ride away from the South London pub where the company was conceived seven years ago.

????The company's rise has been meteoric. Huddle now has more than 100,000 businesses worldwide using its software-as-a-service content collaboration platform, including Procter & Gamble, Unilever, and Kia Motors. Its namesake product promises to help teams work more effectively and securely together, whether editing documents, managing tasks, or sharing files, across devices, from desktop to tablet.

????But at home, Huddle is known best as a British startup that made it.

????Huddle came about after co-creator Andy McLoughlin became frustrated in his job as a consultant, spending his days implementing document management and business process systems for insurance and finance companies.

????"Every single business used systems for archiving and record management," he said, "and each said they wanted a tool alongside this to easily collaborate with internal and external teams."

????It wasn't until he met with friend Alastair Mitchell -- now Huddle's CEO -- that the idea took off. Alastair had been trying unsuccessfully to implement Microsoft SharePoint. The duo quickly became intent on making a new system that was far more "intuitive and attractive" than what was on the market. Instead of the clunky interfaces and workflows found on traditional business tools, the pair sought an experience that was more akin to that of consumer software.

????"The notion of the traditional office has broken down -- employees don't just work between 9 and 5 inside four walls," McLoughlin said. "Huddle allows teams to be productive wherever they are, even if some of them work at different companies."

????He added: "We also understand that users expect the software they use at work to be as intuitive, well-designed and -- gasp -- fun as the tools they use in their social lives."

????To date, Huddle has conducted three funding rounds, and has raised more than $40 million. The company now services 80% of Britain's central government, McLoughlin said, making Huddle one of the largest deployments of cloud software inside the upper echelons of U.K. decision-making. "It's terrific," he said.

????That privilege comes with serious responsibility. With so much sensitive third-party data and information in its cloud, security remains Huddle's top priority, McLoughlin said. "Security and compliance is absolutely paramount," he said. "We pride ourselves on data center security, encryption, and data sovereignty with centers in the U.K. and U.S. and all key compliances in place."

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