


Chanelle Bessette 2014年03月27日

????最近,格斯?亨特辭去了美國(guó)中央情報(bào)局(Central Intelligence Agency)首席技術(shù)官的職務(wù),開(kāi)始在舊金山風(fēng)險(xiǎn)投資公司Artis Ventures擔(dān)任顧問(wèn)。


????亨特加入CIA之前曾在羅克韋爾國(guó)際公司(Rockwell International)擔(dān)任航空工程師,負(fù)責(zé)建造航空飛機(jī)。他擁有范德堡大學(xué)(Vanderbilt University)的土木工程碩士學(xué)位。58歲的亨特向《財(cái)富》雜志(Fortune)講述了他對(duì)未來(lái)科技的看法,從職業(yè)中學(xué)到的經(jīng)驗(yàn)教訓(xùn),以及自己空閑時(shí)間的活動(dòng)。

????1. 你最贊賞哪一位科技界人物?為什么?


????大家不妨看看在這個(gè)過(guò)程中誕生的亞馬遜網(wǎng)絡(luò)服務(wù)(AWS,Amazon Web Services)。憑借這完美的一擊,亞馬遜成功殺入云計(jì)算領(lǐng)域。如何在以低利潤(rùn)賣出這么多計(jì)算能力的同時(shí),依然能夠取得成功并從中獲利?亞馬遜人很清楚如何做到這一點(diǎn),因?yàn)樗麄儞碛胸S富的零售經(jīng)驗(yàn)。

????我贊賞貝佐斯的另外一個(gè)原因在于,當(dāng)華爾街和其他人急切追求利潤(rùn)而不是對(duì)未來(lái)進(jìn)行再投資的時(shí)候,他有勇氣堅(jiān)持己見(jiàn)。收購(gòu)《華盛頓郵報(bào)》(Washington Post)之后,他必將在媒體行業(yè)的變革中扮演重要的角色。

????2. 你贊賞哪家公司?為什么?



????3. 對(duì)希望從事你這一行的人,你有什么建議?


????Gus Hunt -- who, as of February, has taken on an advisory role at the San Francisco-based venture capital firm Artis Ventures -- recently retired from his position as the chief technology officer of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.

????In the 28 years that he spent at the CIA, Hunt made it his mission to bring the government up to speed on technological innovations that were sweeping across Silicon Valley. He noticed that the cycle from idea to implementation for the government took too long -- so to help his organization stay relevant, HuntIA would make connections with venture capitalists who could give him early insight on up-and-coming technologies. It was during this time that he saw the potential for big data analysis and cloud storage in the CIA, so he went to work on building a highly secure government cloud that helped employees transfer information quicker.

????Before he joined the CIA, Hunt was an aerospace engineer for Rockwell International where he built space shuttles. He holds a master's degree in civil engineering from Vanderbilt University. Hunt, 58, spoke with Fortune about what he sees for the future of technology, what he's learned throughout his career, and what he does in his free time.

????1. Who in technology do you admire most? Why?

????Jeff Bezos of Amazon. I love his intense focus on always trying to innovate and his commitment to forward-thinking investment. He's completely reinvented the retail space, and a lot people wondered if that was even possible. They're so effective leveraging scale. At its core, Amazon's DNA is all about how to be successful in markets where you sell lots of goods at really thin margins.

????If you look at the invention of AWS [Amazon Web Services] that came out of that, that's a perfect play for them into the cloud world. How do you sell a lot of computing capacity at really thin margins and still be successful and make money on it? They knew exactly how to do it, based on their retail experience.

????Another thing that I really respect him for is the courage to push back on Wall Street and others when they've tried to force a push for profits instead of reinvesting to build in the future. And with the acquisition of the Washington Post, he will also be an important part of reinventing the media space.

????2. Which companies do you admire? Why?

????23andMe. I respect her [Anne Wojcicki's] drive to allow people to have access to and understand their genetic make-up. I was very disappointed with the FDA ruling regarding my right to access my personal genetic profile. I just couldn't understand that. I'm a firm believer that use of the genome is a good thing, and that the decision to know about it and have access to it should be up to the individual. I thought they had done an enormous amount of good to try to get that moving forward.

????It also goes without saying but I think Google is a terrific company. I have so much information at my fingertips. When I was in college, everything was locked away in a library, and books delivered from Amazon didn't exist. To make information egalitarian and find new mechanisms of engagement, I think they deserve a lot of credit.

????3. What advice would you give to someone who wants to do what you do?

????Read, study, and be a continuous learner. If you're not, I think this world is going to pass you by in a big way. You have to constantly pay attention to what's going on. You have to foster a desire to be curious and to learn. You have to take and do hard jobs that are outside of your comfort zone. That's how growth occurs. Have the courage to step into something that you may not know how to do really well. It allows you the opportunity to invent that space as opposed to inheriting a space.

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