
Lending Club:今年上市的可能性很大

Lending Club:今年上市的可能性很大

Jessi Hempel 2014年03月27日
初創(chuàng)公司Lending Club剛剛推出了面向小企業(yè)的商業(yè)貸款平臺,而且一年后還將擴(kuò)大到零售投資者。公司CEO雷諾?拉普朗還證實(shí),Lending Club今年上市的概率很高。

????3月20日,個人貸款公司Lending Club宣布推出小企業(yè)貸款平臺。Lending Club初步計(jì)劃推出15,000美元至100,000美元的商業(yè)貸款,一年至五年貸款的起始固定利率為5.9%。商業(yè)貸款的對象初期僅限機(jī)構(gòu)投資人,但公司CEO雷諾?拉普朗什希望在第一年后開始向零售投資者提供商業(yè)貸款。本周早些時候,《財(cái)富》雜志(Fortune)就公司新產(chǎn)品采訪了拉普郎什。






????這項(xiàng)業(yè)務(wù)瞄準(zhǔn)的Lending Club跟目前的投資者是不是同一批人?


????在目前的Lending Club平臺上,你認(rèn)為對貸款的需求和投資需求之間是否達(dá)到了良好的平衡?

????On March 20, Lending Club announced plans to launch a small business loan platform. Lending Club business loans will range from $15,000 to $100,000 initially, with fixed interest rates starting at 5.9% for one-to-five-year loans. Initially, these loans will only be available to institutional investors, but CEO Renaud Laplanche aims to open it to retail investors after the first year. Fortune caught up with Laplanche to discuss the company's first new product earlier this week.

????What are you trying to accomplish with your new product?

????We have pretty ambitious goals. We want to transform the banking system into a marketplace that is more competitive, more consumer-friendly, more transparent. We're only going to be more relevant to more people if we address more use cases and expand the population we are addressing. Over time we want to offer all types of credit products including auto loans, student loans and mortgages. This is our first foray into that.

????The reason we wanted small business loans to be our first new product is based on unsatisfied market needs. What we've seen is since 2008, commercial lending has been decreasing. Over the last couple years, the larger commercial loan market has picked up again. If you look at smaller commercial loans, that market has continued to shrink since 2008. It's not for lack of demand. There are a lot of business owners who don't have the capital to grow their businesses.

????Is there a lot of competition in this space?

????The segment we are thinking of addressing is not all that crowded. If you look at the merchant cash advance, very often their starting interest rates is 20% and it goes up from there into the 40s to the 60s…Our rates are going to start at 5.9%. Really, we will be more of an alternative to a banking loan for smaller businesses not getting attention from the banks. It's not that their credit is bad. It's really hard for the banks to make a small business commercial loan work, considering the bank's operating cost and structure. It's very expensive for a bank to underwrite a service, and it's not always worth it.

????Will you be targeting the same investors as Lending Club has so far?

????Over time, we will. For the first year, we will only make these loans available to a portion of our investor base. Initially we won't have a track record. We want to build up our track record for the first year before we make these loans available to retail investors.

????On the current Lending Club platform, are you seeing the right balance in demand for loans vs. demand to invest?

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