


Erika Fry 2014年04月03日




????“每天的市場規(guī)模就達(dá)100萬,”NPD Group副總裁兼首席行業(yè)分析師亨利?巴澤爾表示,他認(rèn)為公司把希望寄托在這些可靠的、人們慶祝生日的這部分業(yè)務(wù),以及人們喜歡慶祝有特殊意義的時(shí)刻。“我們喜歡新體驗(yàn),我們都是探索者?!?/p>




????市場調(diào)查公司Innova Market Insights創(chuàng)新總監(jiān)盧?安?威廉姆斯解釋說,這個(gè)市場在不斷成長,但仍然非常小。他還表示,蛋糕味“立即產(chǎn)生慶祝的感覺與快樂”。那為什么這種有趣的味道直到現(xiàn)在才走上美國人的餐桌,或者至少直到現(xiàn)在才在食品行業(yè)才暫露頭角?原因和其他趨勢一樣有點(diǎn)神秘。



????10年后,可能是受到最近“紙杯蛋糕熱潮”(生日蛋糕也流行紅絲絨蛋糕,Pop-Tart餅干提供這兩種口味的餅干)的推動,生日蛋糕味的發(fā)展勢頭也得到了提振。它一開始是用在Wells Blue Bunny的冰淇淋上,按照多恩布拉瑟的說法,它很可能是“生日蛋糕味”的突破性產(chǎn)品。生日蛋糕的成功引來了許多“派對蛋糕味”的冷凍新奇產(chǎn)品,之后是烘焙產(chǎn)品、糖果和烈性酒。無論如何,在為即將到來的“生日蛋糕味”M&M糖舉行的新品發(fā)布會上,瑪氏公司稱生日蛋糕為“市場上最火的味道”。





????口香糖和薄荷糖公司Project 7創(chuàng)始人Tyler Merrick已經(jīng)增加了一些風(fēng)味產(chǎn)品以跟上潮流,同時(shí)希望能在不斷下滑的口香糖市場中脫穎而出。今年早些時(shí)候,他推出了幾個(gè)非傳統(tǒng)的口味,其中包括薄荷朱利酒味、酸橙椰子味,當(dāng)然,還有必不可少的生日蛋糕味。(財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))

????Now you can have your cake and chew it too, thanks to birthday cake-flavored gum. Or drink it, with birthday cake batter white wine. Or add a birthday cake-flavored protein to a health shake.

????Though it comes only once a year, an increasing number of food and beverage companies -- Kellogg's (K), Mars, Mondelez (MDLZ), and Diageo (DEO) among them -- are betting customers will buy birthday cake-flavored products year-round.

????Mars' birthday cake M&Ms will officially hit stores in May. Oreo, a Mondelez brand, sells two cookies with a birthday cake-flavored filling. There are also party cake Peeps and iced cake-flavored Smirnoff vodka, and protein powders from Muscle Milk and Syntha-6.

????"Every day there's a market of a million," says Harry Balzer, chief industry analyst and vice president at NPD Group, who believes companies are banking on the reliable, people-celebrating-birthdays segment, and the fact that people like to jazz up the occasion with something special. "We like new experiences, we're all explorers."

????Others, like Lynn Dornblaser, director of innovation and insight at trend-tracking firm Mintel, say it's more about connecting with customers the other 364 days of the year, when they crave the birthday cake flavor or just want to try something new.

????Whatever the case, food companies think they've hit a sweet spot. According to Dornblaser, the number of birthday cake-flavored products introduced to the market in the past three years has tripled. But at a time when many Americans are going gluten-free and organic, why has this classic, overly sugary flavor become so hot?

????Lu Ann Williams, director of innovation at Innova Market Insights, notes the market is growing but still tiny and says the cake flavor brings "an instant feeling of celebration and fun." But why this fun flavor has seized upon American palettes, or at least the food industry's imagination just now, remains, like most trends, a bit of a mystery.

????Dornblaser says birthday cake has followed the typical trajectory of trendy flavors -- rising in popularity through oddball categories and niche brand products before being picked up by major food companies.

????When Mintel first started tracking new products in 2002, most birthday cake items were not foods, but goods used in homecare and beauty, such as candles, air fresheners, and lip gloss.

????Ten years later and possibly helped along by the recent cupcake craze (red velvet is also trending with birthday cake, and both are available as Pop-Tart flavors), birthday cake has gained momentum. It was used in Wells Blue Bunny ice cream, which Dornblaser says was likely the flavor's breakthrough product. Birthday cake's success helped usher in a number of party cake-flavored frozen novelty products, and then baked goods, candy, and spirits. For what it's worth, in a release about the upcoming Birthday M&Ms product launch, Mars Inc. calls birthday cake the "hottest flavor craze on the market."

????Though Dornblaser anticipates the flavor still has legs -- a Greek yogurt product would not surprise her -- she says trending flavors tend to peter out when they become widely, and too wildly used. She knew the low-carb craze was dead when she saw low-carb gummy products on the market and says birthday cake's moment will be over when it gets incorporated into savory foods.

????Many food companies are hedging their bets by introducing birthday cake-flavored items as limited edition offerings that are often tied to a company event or anniversary. Oreo's products were initially launched in 2012 in celebration of the cookie's 100th birthday.

????Short-term products have the benefit of buzz and cater to consumers that like to try new products and flavors twists, but are unlikely to make them a regular habit.

????While the shelf life of birthday cake is still uncertain, for now the flavor is proving popular especially among women, says Dornblaser.

????Tyler Merrick, the founder of Project 7, a gum and mint company that donates to social causes, has added a line of flavored products to jump on the trend and hopes to stand out in a declining gum market. Earlier this year he introduced a handful of non-traditional flavors. Among them: mint julep, coconut lime, and, of course, birthday cake.

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