


Patricia Sellers 2014年04月11日

????本文是前寶潔全球營銷總監(jiān)和《增長力:如何打造世界頂級(jí)品牌》(Grow: How Ideals Power Growth and Profit at the World's Greatest Companies)一書的作者吉姆?斯登格為財(cái)富網(wǎng)站撰寫的系列文章的第三部分。在今天和接下來四個(gè)周五的總共五篇客座日志中,吉姆將深入研究這家最優(yōu)秀的基于理念的公司的最佳范例,探尋他們是如何在競爭中脫穎而出的。

????寶潔(Procter & Gamble)是家瘋狂地設(shè)立規(guī)定的公司。我在那里待了25年,我們對(duì)一切都有規(guī)定。從如何推廣自己的品牌,到創(chuàng)新,到經(jīng)營戰(zhàn)略,甚至到如何做職業(yè)規(guī)劃,我們都有各種細(xì)致的條例。




????我們在在線汽車顧客服務(wù)公司Edmund.com發(fā)現(xiàn)了價(jià)值樹(Value Tree)。在不斷革新自身私人理財(cái)服務(wù)的Intuit公司發(fā)現(xiàn)了品牌組合(Brand House)。而棒球棍公司路易斯維爾?斯拉格(Louisville Slugger)有什么呢,它有一個(gè)本壘板(Home Plate)。

????出乎意料的是,我們在一家企業(yè)對(duì)企業(yè)電子商務(wù)的公司找到了最佳案例。它就是摩托羅拉系統(tǒng)(Motorola Solutions)。


????2010年,摩托羅拉系統(tǒng)籌備脫離摩托羅拉移動(dòng)(Motorola Mobility)時(shí)形成了自己的框架體系。摩托羅拉移動(dòng)是一家消費(fèi)者導(dǎo)向的公司,之后被谷歌(Google)收購。(信息披露:在脫離前的那段挑戰(zhàn)十足的時(shí)期中,我是摩托羅拉董事會(huì)的成員,隨后我進(jìn)入了摩托羅拉移動(dòng)的董事會(huì)。)而在今年1月,谷歌把摩托羅拉移動(dòng)賣給了聯(lián)想(Lenovo)。

?????This is Part 3 of a series for Fortune.com by Jim Stengel, former global CMO of Procter & Gamble and author of Grow: How Ideals Power Growth and Profit at the World's Greatest Companies. In today's Guest Post and in four more over the next four Fridays, Jim digs into the best practices of the best ideal-based companies and explores how they outgrow their competition.

????FORTUNE -- Procter & Gamble is a framework-crazy company. I spent 25 years there, and we had a framework for everything. We had different detailed protocols for how we marketed our brands, for innovation, for corporate strategy, even for how we did career planning.

????People learn through frameworks, or models. I went to Catholic school for 12 years, and it was heavy on nuns and frameworks: Grammar was our framework for writing, the Periodic Table was our chemistry model, and, of course, the catechism was our guide for behavior.

????P&G believes -- and so do I -- that building a strong common culture in a global company requires a scalable, standardized approach. It's impossible to teach 130,000 people across 140 countries to march in the same direction without a common framework. P&G employees are dubbed "Proctoids" by industry colleagues, largely based on their shared approach on how to do business.

????So, when we began our fieldwork on this project to learn how companies activate their ideals, I suspected we would find quite a few frameworks. What I did not expect was to find them everywhere. And I did not expect to find one that topped P&G's best models.

????We found a Value Tree at Edmunds.com, the online auto consumer-service company. We found a Brand House at Intuit (INTU), which constantly innovates its personal financial services. The baseball-bat company Louisville Slugger has, what else, a Home Plate.

????The best example we found was, to our surprise, at a business-to-business enterprise: Motorola Solutions (MSI).

????With headquarters in Schaumburg, Ill., Motorola Solutions provides mission-critical communications services and solutions for enterprise and government customers around the world. Wal-Mart (WMT) depends on its systems for managing inventory, and first responders in 100-plus countries rely on Motorola radios and networks to stay connected in emergency situations. Motorola Solutions' 21,000 employees are expected to embrace a simple and dramatic Brand Ideal, which Motorola refers to as its purpose: "We help people be their best in the moments that matter."

????Motorola Solutions created its framework in 2010 as it prepared to spin off Motorola Mobility, a consumer-focused business that later was bought by Google (GOOG). (Disclosure: I was on the board of directors of Motorola during a very challenging period before the spin, and then I was on the board of Motorola Mobility.) This past January, Google sold Motorola Mobility to Lenovo (LNVGF).

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