


Mike Kwatinetz 2014年04月14日


????微軟可以通過主導(dǎo)三大領(lǐng)域獲得更好的發(fā)展前景:操作系統(tǒng)、開發(fā)工具和遠(yuǎn)程會議技術(shù)。很顯然,現(xiàn)在的軟件發(fā)展趨勢正在轉(zhuǎn)向虛擬化和云計(jì)算。云端的基礎(chǔ)架構(gòu)即服務(wù)(Cloud IaaS)正在成為開發(fā)者的重心所在。據(jù)The Cloud Market(亞馬遜的EC2完整映像目錄——譯注)估算,亞馬遜公司(Amazon)的“彈性云計(jì)算”(Elastic Compute Cloud,EC2)上的應(yīng)用中,基于Linux的各類應(yīng)用占90%以上。這種情況表明,很多開發(fā)者更傾向于基于Linux系統(tǒng)為云端進(jìn)行開發(fā)。


????? 在智能手機(jī)和平板電腦領(lǐng)域獲得更大競爭優(yōu)勢

????? 提供一款各類企業(yè)的所有應(yīng)用都可采用的云服務(wù)

????? 提供價(jià)格實(shí)惠的低價(jià)服務(wù)器

????? 更好地留住企業(yè)客戶

????要實(shí)現(xiàn)上述目標(biāo),第一步重大舉措就是收購Linux系統(tǒng)供應(yīng)商紅帽企業(yè)軟件公司(Red Hat)。通過這筆收購,同時(shí)將它與微軟云平臺Azure深入整合,微軟就能成為IaaS領(lǐng)域的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者。除Linux外,紅帽還擁有功能強(qiáng)大的Open Stack(Rackspace和NASA共同開發(fā)的云計(jì)算平臺——譯注)平臺,可以利用開源應(yīng)用程序接口打造一種創(chuàng)新而強(qiáng)大的服務(wù),取代亞馬遜的網(wǎng)絡(luò)服務(wù)。這起并購很快就能產(chǎn)生價(jià)值,因?yàn)殡S著微軟深入企業(yè)Linux的實(shí)際工作領(lǐng)域,可使它作為云計(jì)算企業(yè)在短期內(nèi)加快發(fā)展,同時(shí)推動它成為云計(jì)算領(lǐng)域的主導(dǎo)企業(yè)。

????Microsoft's stock has stagnated as investors have lost faith in the company's plans for its future. After peaking at just under $60 a share in early 2000, Microsoft's stock fell to about $22 later that year and has traded mostly between $25 and $40 a share in the 14 years since then. While revenue and earnings per share have more than tripled since then, the stock price has not followed suit. What Microsoft could do can be answered fairly simply: Take a page out of Facebook's apparent strategy and buy best of breed next generation companies.

????Microsoft can improve its prospects by dominating three areas: Operating systems, development tools and conferencing. It's clear that development is shifting to virtualization and the cloud. Cloud IaaS is becoming the center of gravity for developers. According to The Cloud Market, Linux variants account for over 90% of the applications on Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). The EC2 data indicates that a large number of developers prefer developing in Linux for the cloud.

????Microsoft (MSFT) is losing many customers by not having a more robust integration with Linux in its cloud. While Microsoft claims to be supportive of Linux, other cloud providers like Amazon (AMZN), VMware (VMW), IBM (IBM) and Salesforce.com (CRM) are actually doing much more to support Linux. If one considers all devices, including smart phones and tablets (the Android Operating System is based on the Linux kernel), Linux's unit share is about twice that of Microsoft Windows. I am not suggesting that Microsoft abandon Windows -- it is still a great product with lots of legs, but I am suggesting that a dual OS strategy would give it an opportunity to:

????? Compete more effectively on smart phones and tablets

????? Have a cloud offering that all companies could consider for every application

????? Offer a lower cost server line that would be appealing

????? Have better retention of its corporate customer base

????A way to put a stake in the ground is to buy Linux provider, Red Hat (RHT). With such an acquisition and its deep integration into Microsoft Azure, Microsoft would be well positioned as a leader in IaaS. In addition to Linux, Red Hat has a strong Open Stack player that could leverage open source application programming interfaces as a disruptive, strong alternative to Amazon Web Services (AWS). Such an acquisition would quickly become accretive as Microsoft's reach into the Enterprise Linux workload could accelerate their short-term growth as a Cloud player and propel them into a dominant leadership position in the cloud.

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