


Miguel Helft 2014年04月16日


????通常來說安卓不會(huì)遭到什么質(zhì)疑,因?yàn)樗怯惺芬詠碜畛晒Φ牟僮飨到y(tǒng)之一,這也使有些分析人士和投資人開始質(zhì)疑稍晚推出的Chrome OS操作系統(tǒng)的價(jià)值。



????《財(cái)富》:在高層層面上,Chrome平臺(tái)對(duì)谷歌有什么意義?從瀏覽器和操作系統(tǒng)上它的意義很明確,但是隨著它發(fā)展出Chromecast谷歌電視棒、Chromebox for Meeting視頻會(huì)議系統(tǒng)等子產(chǎn)品,Chrome系統(tǒng)的這些衍生系統(tǒng)背后的統(tǒng)一主題是什么?












????For years, pundits have asked Google why it needs two computing platforms, Android and Chrome.

????Usually, Android is not the issue. Google's mobile OS is one of the most successful operating systems ever, leaving some analysts and investors to question to value of the newer Chrome OS.

????SundarPichai, who rode the success of the Chrome browser and OS to a position of unparalleled technical sway at Google (GOOG), has often brushed aside those questions. In an interview withFortune, Pichai, a senior vice president in charge of Chrome, Apps, and Android, says that Google does not have to choose between the two platforms. Both are important.

????Chrome -- not just the operating system or the browser, but the set of web-based technologies that underpin the platform -- is a vital complement to Android in a multi-screen world, he says.

????Below is a transcript of that conversation, edited and condensed for clarity.

????Fortune: At high level, what's the Chrome platform to Google? With the browser and OS it's fairly clear, but once it branches into Chromecast, Chromebox for Meetings, and so forth, what's the unifying theme behind all those iterations of the platform?

????Pichai: Increasingly we will have more and more things in our lives which have to get connected. The web was built from the ground up to connect things. Chrome and web technologies will play a pivotal role in helping connect things.

????Cast is an example of it. It's amazing that you have a TV and you put this small thing in there, you tell it to play YouTube from the phone. All of it works naturally and easily. That's what the web and its attributes were designed to do. That's the beauty of the model.

????Interesting. Chrome didn't start out that way.

????It started with web. Things were shifting from desktop applications to applications in the browser like Gmail and Maps. While we didn't think of it that way at that time, it's been about the web and what the web can do. It's part of what excites me about being able to have a large platform like Chrome. It gives us a chance to do things that others are not necessarily thinking about.

????How you would explain Chrome's strategic importance to Google?

????Computing obviously is playing a really powerful role in people's lives. We are expanding computing to many things. Increasingly, as you have more computing devices in your life, you want it all to work together. You want these screens to work together in ways that make sense to you. I feel we are uniquely positioned because we have two great tools, in Chrome and Android, two large open platforms, with which we can bring these things together to solve problems focusing on the user.

????That also creates a situation where you must wonder which is the better approach. For television, you have Chromecast and you have Google TV, which is Android-based.

????If you are thoughtful about it, you have more tools and more approaches, and if you focus on the user, you always bring the best solution to the problem. It's a great problem to have.

????Larry Page talks about the multiscreen world. How important is Chrome in making that multiscreen world come together?

????I think it can play a pivotal role -- more profound than most people internalize. [I am] not necessarily thinking of Chrome as a browser today, but as a paradigm, as a platform, as a web platform. As a proponent for web technologies, it will play a critical role in making sure that in a multiscreen world, those screens work together in harmony and work together for users.

????Is one platform more important than the other to Google?

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