


Clay Dillow 2014年04月21日



????健康倡導(dǎo)團(tuán)體和禁煙組織一直在抨擊煙草行業(yè),盡管就連大麻如今也已經(jīng)開(kāi)始擺脫低三下四的地位,有望獲得合法的名分。蒙西斯表示,一旦美國(guó)、歐洲、南美和世界其他地區(qū)的法律法規(guī)形勢(shì)發(fā)生變化,Ploom公司隨時(shí)準(zhǔn)備進(jìn)入其它領(lǐng)域。雖然大麻作為單列商品的數(shù)據(jù)很難獲得,但位于舊金山的天使投資網(wǎng)絡(luò)公司ArcView Group預(yù)測(cè),美國(guó)合法大麻的銷售額今年有望達(dá)到23.4億美元。按照美國(guó)各州和聯(lián)邦政府的大麻合法化進(jìn)展,五年后美國(guó)大麻市場(chǎng)或?qū)⒏哌_(dá)102億美元。




????That's perfectly fine: Right now tobacco is a good place to be. While the broader tobacco business is worth roughly $80 billion, e-cigarettes carved out about $2 billion in global sales last year. The segment has been growing by about 30% annually for the last three years. A Citigroup analysis predicts $3 billion in global sales by 2015, and Bloomberg Industries believes e-cigarette sales will surpass traditional tobacco sales by 2047.

????Most of those sales come in the form of relatively inexpensive e-cigarette products -- most of which somewhat resemble traditional cigarettes -- that turn a nicotine-infused propylene glycol into an inhalable vapor that gives users that cigarette fix without the smoke. Ploom differentiates by positioning itself as something of a luxury brand within the space. Its products still use actual tobacco -- Pax takes loose-leaf tobacco, while modelTwo uses pre-packaged tobacco-filled "pods" -- yes, the Keurig coffee model, applied to tobacco -- that can be purchased retail or from Ploom's website. For both, a polished design and feel make them feel decidedly high-end.

????But health advocacy and anti-tobacco campaigns continue to attach greater social taboo to tobacco, even as marijuana has begun to shed the stigma and legal baggage attached to it. Monsees says the company is poised to branch off in other directions as the legal landscape shifts in the U.S., Europe, South America, and elsewhere. Though data focused solely on the marijuana accessories market are hard to come by, the San Francisco-based angel investor network ArcView Group forecasts that the legal cannabis market in the U.S. will hit $2.34 billion this year, and perhaps $10.2 billion in five years, depending on which state markets open up and how federal authorities respond.

????For Monsees, Bowen, and their growing company -- it now staffs more than 35 employees -- it's less about what's being vaporized and more about creating an experience that consumers want. Big Tobacco has long ignored its own customers, Monsees says, offering them a single option in a lot of different packages. By approaching smoking with the critical eye of a Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur, Ploom wants to bring continuous innovation to a market segment that hasn't changed appreciably in more than a century.

????"We are a very consumer-centric company, and we're always interested in what our constituents are interested in," Monsees says. "We will shun old products, we will let them die and move on. We're not the traditional tobacco company, and we're not interested in creating a singular product that will last for decades and decades and never change. We're a tobacco company, but we're an innovation company."

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