


Verne Kopytoff 2014年05月07日




????此外,馬云還是美國環(huán)保組織大自然保護協會(The Nature Conservancy)全球董事會成員,同時還擔任這個協會的中國區(qū)主席。大自然保護協會總裁馬克?特瑟克表示,馬云積極參與籌款,并在中國幫助建立了一塊由私人資助占地27,000英畝的自然保護區(qū)。特瑟克稱,馬云妻子的一位家人患病,讓他意識到了環(huán)保的重要性。馬云懷疑親人的病情與污染有關。



????“中國公司有一個習慣,總希望什么都做,” 古永鏘說?!澳惚仨毟愣鄻踊?。但老實說,阿里巴巴前15年一直都專注于自己的核心業(yè)務?!保ㄘ敻恢形木W)


????In any case, Ma, 49, is among China's wealthiest entrepreneurs. He owns 8.9 percent of Alibaba and, on paper, at least, is worth several billion dollars. It's just one of the eye-popping numbers associated with Ma and the business he founded. Alibaba's market capitalization after the IPO will exceed $200 billion, according to many analysts.

????Still the pioneer, Ma, is now trying to bring philanthropy and environmentalism to China. Both are foreign ideas for the country, where pollution and social inequality are facts of life.

????Last month, Ma and Alibaba co-founder Joe Tsai, promised to set up charitable trusts potentially valued at around $3 billion. They plan to donate shares representing a nearly 2% stake in Alibaba. Ma said that his trust would be devoted to health care, the environment and education. Alibaba already contributes .3 percent of its annual revenue to its own foundation, which was established in 2010.

????Additionally, Ma sits on the global board of The Nature Conservancy, a U.S. environmental group, and also chairs its China program. Mark Tercek, The Nature Conservancy's chief executive, said Ma is very active in raising money and has helped to create a privately funded 27,000-acre nature reserve in China. Ma's environmental awakening came when a member of his wife's family fell ill, Tercek said. Ma suspected pollution played a role.

????"Sometimes biz leaders can be a little bossy," Tercek said. "He's shown great respect for what we've done."

????Koo, Ma's longtime acquaintance, said that Ma's success is his ability to know his limits. He surrounds himself with people who can handle the product details while he thinks up strategy. In the same vein, he kept Alibaba focused on e-commerce. Only recently has its focus wandered.

????"Chinese companies have a habit of wanting to do everything," Koo said. "You have to diversify. But literally, for the first 15 years, they stayed to their knitting."

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