


Benjamin Snyder 2014年05月16日

????《紐約時報》(The New York Times)周三報道稱,該報首位女性執(zhí)行主編吉爾?艾布拉姆森即將出人意料地離開這家報紙。









????《紐約時報》還報道說,艾布拉姆森曾經(jīng)激怒過巴奎特,起因是她試圖聘請《衛(wèi)報》(The Guardian)編輯珍妮?吉布森出任與巴奎特平起平坐的聯(lián)席編輯主任,而且事先沒有跟他商量。由此引發(fā)的沖突最終把蘇茲貝格也扯了進來。

????《紐約客》(The New Yorker)引述匿名消息源說,這個問題還涉及到艾布拉姆森的待遇問題。獲悉前任比爾?凱勒的薪水和福利比自己高不少之后,艾布拉姆森提出了加薪的要求,此舉進一步加深了她“做事魯莽”的名聲。此外,許多人都知道,由于艾布拉姆森與紐約時報公司CEO馬克?湯普森沖突不斷,蘇茲貝格對她越來越失望。不過,這些解釋目前還無法獲得獨立的核實。(財富中文網(wǎng))


????Jill Abramson, the first female executive editor of The New York Times (NYT), is unexpectedly leaving the newspaper, The Times said Wednesday.

????The paper's current managing editor, Dean Baquet, will replace her, becoming the first African-American to fill the newspaper of record's top spot.

????In a statement, Abramson said, "I've loved my run at The Times. I got to work with the best journalists in the world doing so much stand-up journalism."

????After the announcement was made to a group of senior editors, the full newsroom was informed of the news at approximately 2:30pm ET.

????Abramson was the first female executive editor in the newspaper's history, replacing Bill Keller in September 2011.

????Speaking of Baquet's appointment, Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., The New York Times' publisher, said:

????"There is no journalist in our newsroom or elsewhere better qualified to take on the responsibilities of executive editor at this time than Dean Baquet. He is an exceptional reporter and editor with impeccable news judgment who enjoys the confidence and support of his colleagues around the world and across the organization."

????In the Times, Sulzberger was quoted giving more details:

????"I chose to appoint a new leader for our newsroom because I believe that new leadership will improve some aspects of the management of the newsroom. You will understand that there is nothing more that I want to say about this. We had an issue with management in the newsroom. And that's what's at the heart of this issue."

????The Times also reported the following: Ms. Abramson had angered Baquet by trying to hire Janine Gibson, an editor from The Guardian, to become the paper's co-managing editor alongside Baquet without consulting him first. It created a conflict that eventually drew in Sulzberger.

????The New Yorker, quoting an anonymous source, said that the problem also involved Abramson learning that her predecessor Bill Keller, earned a higher salary and more benefits. She asked for a raise, which added to her reputation as being "pushy." Sulzberger was also noted as being increasingly frustrated with Abramson, as she clashed with Mark Thompson, the company's CEO. Those explanations, however, could not be independently verified.

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