


Jennifer Reingold 2014年05月20日



????總部位于阿姆斯特丹的 The ANT Works是一家研發(fā)分析初創(chuàng)公司,這家公司從互動(dòng)的視角來(lái)分析了這兩家公司的科研情況(基于專利申請(qǐng)),以便評(píng)估里德的說(shuō)法。The ANT Works分析了57.000多份專利文件,包括1994年至2012年期間在美國(guó)、歐盟和日本的專利申請(qǐng)和授權(quán)專利。它向《財(cái)富》雜志獨(dú)家提供了自己分析得出的交互式圖像,展示了這兩家公司明顯重疊的領(lǐng)域(這將導(dǎo)致兩家公司裁員)以及各自獨(dú)特的優(yōu)勢(shì)。

????數(shù)據(jù)得出的主要結(jié)論是,輝瑞公司目前在研究領(lǐng)域處于主導(dǎo)地位,約80%的已注冊(cè)專利與研究領(lǐng)域相關(guān),而阿斯利康只有20%。The ANT Works首席戰(zhàn)略官托馬斯?格尼表示,這也意味著重疊程度最大的治療領(lǐng)域(如心血管、神經(jīng)科學(xué)和心臟病學(xué))將是阿斯利康最有可能裁員的領(lǐng)域。他說(shuō):“從科學(xué)的角度來(lái)看,如果進(jìn)行合并,很可能是阿斯利康削減研究人員?!边@也是阿斯利康到目前為止一直反對(duì)交易的主要原因(另一個(gè)原因是嫌要約價(jià)格太低)。阿斯利康首席執(zhí)行官帕斯卡爾?索利奧特與兩位首席科研人員也出席了聽(tīng)證會(huì)并表達(dá)意見(jiàn)。


????Is the proposed merger of Pfizer and AstraZeneca a tax dodge, a cost-cutting cornucopia, or the ultimate in complementary research? It may well end up being all of the above.

????But since most of the attention thus far has been on the financial implications of the deal, it's worth taking a closer look at Pfizer CEO Ian Read's claim, made on Tuesday in a hearing before Britain's Business Select Committee, that the two companies have "complementary portfolios of information in cardiovascular, metabolic and oncology."

????Amsterdam-based The ANT Works, an R&D analytics startup, has put together an interactive visual look at both companies' research--based on patent filings--as a means by which to assess Read's claim. The ANT Works analyzed over 57.000 patent documents, which include patent applications and granted patents in the US, EU and Japan between 1994-2012. Provided exclusively to Fortune, the interactive map shows where there are clear overlaps--which it is fair to say will lend themselves to job cuts--and where each company has unique strengths.

????The main conclusion of the data is that Pfizer is by far the dominant player when it comes to research, with roughly 80% of the registered patents connected to research areas compared with AstraZeneca's 20%. That also implies that the therapeutic areas with the greatest overlap, such as cardiovascular, neurosciences, and cardiology will be most likely to be cut at AstraZeneca, says Thomas Gurney, CSO at The ANT Works. "If you look at this from the science perspective, he says, "if there is a merger, most likely the AstraZeneca scientists will lose." That's a big part of the reason why AstraZeneca is resisting so far (in addition to its assertion that the offer itself is too low). Indeed, AstraZeneca head Pascal Soriot showed up at the hearings with two of his head scientists in tow to make a point.

????But the graphic also shows areas where AstraZeneca offers access to a potential brand new pipeline for Pfizer, giving some credence to Read's claims as well. There's enough here for ammunition on either side—but it's nice to have data rather than simply politics in the mix.?

上圖為輝瑞和阿斯利康的57,000項(xiàng)專利涵蓋的所有技術(shù)領(lǐng)域。藍(lán)色代表輝瑞,黃色代表阿斯利康。圖片顯示,兩家公司重疊程度最大的是心血管、神經(jīng)科學(xué)和心臟病學(xué)等治療領(lǐng)域。圖片來(lái)源:The ANT Works

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