


Benjamin Snyder 2014年05月26日


????百事可樂(lè)公司在美國(guó)餐廳協(xié)會(huì)展(National Restaurant Association Show)上推出了這款自助設(shè)備。據(jù)這家公司的網(wǎng)站顯示,消費(fèi)者可以在美國(guó)的50個(gè)地方嘗試使用Spire。



????百事可樂(lè)公司全球飲料集團(tuán)總裁布拉德?杰克曼告訴《紐約時(shí)報(bào)》(New York Times):“冷飲柜臺(tái)最初起源于藥店,在冷飲售貨員的手中會(huì)變幻出各種令人驚訝的創(chuàng)意和花樣。但在過(guò)程中,這種用戶(hù)體驗(yàn)卻變成了交易,現(xiàn)在我們將改變這種狀況?!?/p>





????PepsiCo. (PEP) has entered the make-it-yourself soda space with the announcement of Spire, a new machine that can stir up over 1,000 flavor combinations of carbonated beverages at locations such as restaurants and movie theaters.

????The self-service equipment was unveiled at a National Restaurant Association Show and there are already around 50 locations in the U.S. where customers can try out Spire, according to the company's website.

????The machine, which is sleek and resembles an Apple (AAPL) product more than anything else, situates itself as a direct competitor to Coca-Cola's (KO) Freestyle.

????The "first digital fountain that lets you personalize your favorite Pepsi brands," Spire aims to let customers "explore new taste territories from a sleek, digital touch screen," Pepsi said.

????"Soda fountains in pharmacies and apothecaries, where this all started, were points of engagement where an amazing amount of creativity and innovation took place at the hands of the soda jerk. But somewhere along the line, what was an experience has turned into a transaction, and that's got to change," said Brad Jakeman, president of PepsiCo's global beverages group, toThe New York Times.

????Earlier in April, news that PepsiCo was in talks to buy stakes of SodaStream emerged, illustrating another way the beverage and food company has sought to expand its portfolio as sales for the soda industry continue to dip.

????Earlier in the year, news broke that PepsiCo partnered with Bevyz, a European company that sells beverage systems for the home.

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