


Megan Barnett,Andy Serwer 2014年06月03日

??? 歡迎訪問全新的《財富》網(wǎng)站!《財富》由此迎來新的一天,我們很高興與大家共同度過這個時刻。



????歡迎登陸Facebook 及Twitter關(guān)注我們 (@FortuneMagazine),同時也請把我們的新網(wǎng)站介紹給您的朋友和同事們,更重要的是,請告訴我們您對網(wǎng)站的建議。http://fortune.com/(財富中文網(wǎng))


????Welcome to the all-new Fortune.com! It’s a new day for us here at Fortune, and we’re excited to share it with you.

????Visit us daily at Fortune.com and you’ll find everything from short takes on breaking news to smart analysis of market-moving events in the global corporate world. In addition, you’ll find the in-depth, long-form journalism you’ve come to expect from us since the Fortune brand was launched 84 years ago. Fortune.com is a fast-paced business news site that delivers access, analysis, and opinion in any format that fits the screen — stories, videos, newsletters, photography, interactive graphics, and more.

????Our new site has been designed specifically for today’s businessperson – it’s responsive to any size screen, so you’ll have the same sleek and clutter-free experience on your mobile phone, tablet or desktop. Use the menu on the top left to navigate through the site, or scroll through our article feed at your leisure. The Fortune 500 and our other franchises have never been easier to view — you can sort and filter data from companies and executives around the globe on one page.

????Follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@FortuneMagazine), share our new site with your friends and colleagues, and more importantly, tell us what you think!

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