


《財(cái)富》 2014年06月05日


????谷歌近期向美國證券交易委員會(the Securities and Exchange Commission)提交的文件顯示,它計(jì)劃利用大部分境外資金進(jìn)行海外并購。通過進(jìn)行海外投資,谷歌可以避免支付在美高達(dá)35%的公司稅。


????“他們對最終的并購目標(biāo)有著非常廣泛的考慮,”赫福斯頓表示。數(shù)據(jù)是核心要素, “他們最終會用到數(shù)據(jù)?!?/p>



????谷歌在以消費(fèi)者為導(dǎo)向的收購中戰(zhàn)績輝煌,其中就包括視頻網(wǎng)站YouTube和安卓操作系統(tǒng)(Android)。MasterCFO創(chuàng)始人、《并購?fù)耆謨浴罚═he Complete M&A Handbook)一書的作者湯姆?陶利表示,谷歌還能在總部位于比利時(shí)的音樂流服務(wù)企業(yè)Spotify身上取得類似的成績。



????如果谷歌想要與蘋果(Apple)(AAPL -0.69%)及其近期30億美元收購音頻設(shè)備制造商和音樂流服務(wù)公司Beats的計(jì)劃相抗衡,收購一家音樂服務(wù)公司對谷歌來說具有決定性意義。


????赫福斯頓表示,支付業(yè)務(wù)披露各種有關(guān)消費(fèi)者和商業(yè)的重要情報(bào),如購買目標(biāo)和購買地點(diǎn),這是谷歌多年來一直希望進(jìn)入的領(lǐng)域。谷歌已經(jīng)推出了谷歌電子錢包(Google Wallet)支付服務(wù),但是它或許希望收購增強(qiáng)公司能力的海外支付公司,以此實(shí)現(xiàn)公司的擴(kuò)張。收購價(jià)值甚至可能相當(dāng)于前述利潤。




????“歐洲人常常抱怨,只有美國擅長云空間,”市場分析機(jī)構(gòu)Recon Analytics公司創(chuàng)始人羅杰?埃特納表示,“使大量服務(wù)器靠近客戶不無道理。距離更近,一切變得更快。他們已經(jīng)就此采取行動,未來還將加大工作力度。”




????Google GOOG -1.06% has its checkbook open, and it’s ready to dole out as much as $30 billion to buy companies overseas. What could the Internet giant possibly buy, considering it’s already working on everything from driverless cars to futuristic Internet eyeglasses?

????Google has said it plans to use most of its offshore funds to make acquisitions abroad, according to a recent letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission. By keeping its huge money pot overseas Google can avoid paying U.S. corporate taxes on the cash. Those taxes are as high as 35%.

????When it comes to acquisitions, Google’s options are nearly endless. Looking at the obvious holes in its business, or even what the company has tried to go after in the past, may reveal the company’s grand plans, said Jason Helfstein, an analyst with Oppenheimer.

????“They have a very broad view of what their ultimate purpose is,” said Helfstein. It’s the data that’s central, he added, and it “is ultimately what they’re going to use.”

????There are three main areas where the company has faltered – or is still under-invested – and may want to beef up: social, payments and cloud services.

????Building Beyond Google+

????Google has had a lot of success with its consumer-focused acquisitions, including YouTube and Android. It could find similar success with Belgium-based music streaming service Spotify, said Tom Taulli, founder of MasterCFO and author of “The Complete M&A Handbook.”

????Spotify comes with a built-in social network, an area in which Google has struggled to gain much traction. With over 10 million global subscribers, Spotify could give Google’s social ambitions – so far limited to Google+ – a big lift.

????“It’s been crickets for G+ and all their efforts on the social side,” Taulli said. “It’s been a big hole; a big gap in Google.”

????Buying a music service is also critical for Google if it wants to compete against Apple AAPL -0.69% and its recent $3 billion acquisition of Beats, the audio equipment maker and music streaming service.

????Buying Its Way to Data

????The payments business, which reveals all sorts of valuable information about consumers and businesses, such as what they buy and where they shop, is an area Google has wanted to enter for years, said Helfstein. The company already has the Google Wallet payment service, but it likely wants to expand by buying foreign payment companies that would bolster Google’s capabilities. The value may even be worth foregoing profits.

????“It would be happy to run one of these businesses, make no money and collect all the data,” said Helfstein. It could then monetize the reams of information by using it within its current businesses.

????Cloud Connections

????Google may choose to look beyond the consumer towards cloud-focused companies abroad, in a bid to build its offerings for small businesses, governments and big-name corporations

????“The Europeans are really lamenting that only the U.S. is really good in the cloud space,” said Roger Enter, founder of Recon Analytics. “It would make sense to put a lot of the servers closer to their clients. Move closer and everything gets faster. They’ve done that already and they’re going to do it more.”

????Google has also said it plans to spend as much as $4 billion on infrastructure abroad, including data centers, and investing in a smaller, European-based cloud company could complement that investment and help Google deliver its cloud services to a European market that is hungry for more.

????“For them, everything that connects, they should be interested in,” Enter said. “It helps them improve their product.”

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