
蘋果新一代OS X Yosemite秘密檔案

蘋果新一代OS X Yosemite秘密檔案

? Tom Huddleston, Jr. 2014年06月05日
新一代Mac操作系統(tǒng)Yosemite將允許iCloud Drive和AirDrop在Mac和移動設(shè)備間實現(xiàn)同步,還能讓Mac一秒鐘變電話。蘋果高管說,Yosemite比之前的系統(tǒng)都好。

????蘋果(Apple)本周一宣布,Mac最新一代操作系統(tǒng)將被命名為OS X Yosemite。


????庫克在進行簡短的介紹后將控制權(quán)交給了蘋果負(fù)責(zé)軟件工程的高級副總裁克雷格?費德里吉。費德里吉向與會者介紹了Yosemite的設(shè)計和功能,聲稱Yosemite是“更華麗、更好用的OS X系統(tǒng),比之前的系統(tǒng)都要好。”

????新的Yosemite包含大量的設(shè)計升級,比如新的桌面圖標(biāo),以及將菜單欄和任務(wù)欄調(diào)成深灰色的“黑暗模式”。 Yosemite還包括升級版的通知中心以及速度更快的簡化版Spotlight功能,后者能用于搜索Mac上的應(yīng)用程序和在線查詢。

????費德里吉還公布了Yosemite上的新版iCloud Drive,它能為所有Mac和移動設(shè)備提供存儲空間。新的AirDrop也支持在Mac和iOS設(shè)備之間同步了。此外,它還支持“近場識別”功能——用戶只需要滑動手指就可以在相鄰設(shè)備之間傳輸文檔和工程。

????費德里吉接下來使用了另一項新功能——將Mac作為免提電話——來歡迎蘋果新員工、Beats Electronics聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人、說唱歌手德瑞博士。費德里吉通過自己的Mac給德瑞博士打了個電話,把他介紹給與會者們,而德瑞博士則問費德里吉,自己早上應(yīng)該幾點到公司上班。





????Apple announced Monday that the newest operating system for its Mac computers will be called OS X Yosemite.

????CEO Tim Cook took the stage at 1 p.m. ET at Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco to welcome a crowd of a few thousand software developers – some of whom had lined up a day earlier to ensure themselves a spot in the audience.

????After a brief introduction, Cook handed the reins to Apple’s senior vice president of software engineering, Craig Federighi, who walked through the design and functions of Yosemite, which he called “a gorgeous and more usable version of OS X, the best ever.”

????The new operating system includes design updates such as new desktop icons as well as a “dark mode” that switches menu bars and the dock to a darker gray color. Yosemite also includes an updated Notification Center and a faster, simplified Spotlight feature for searching for apps on your Mac and for searching online.

????Federighi also unveiled the new iCloud Drive that will be available on Yosemite and will allow for the storage of content across all Mac and mobile products. The AirDrop feature will also allow for syncing between Macs and iOS devices, and it also includes “proximity awareness” – a feature that allows users to move documents and projects from device to device with the swipe of a finger.

????Federighi used another new feature – the ability to answer phone calls on your Mac, using the computer as a speakerphone – to welcome one of Apple’s newest employees, rapper and Beats Electronics cofounder Dr. Dre. Federighi called Dre from his Mac and introduced him to the crowd, prompting the rapper to ask how early in the morning he should show up for work.

????Yosemite will be available to consumers in the fall, and will be free. Those eager to try it out sooner than that can take part in a new public beta program.

????More announcements regarding an updated iOS platform and other software products are expected later in the keynote address.

????The five-day conference will be attended by 5,000 developers, who were chosen at random in a lottery to get access to the various sessions and labs Apple will run to help the developers familiarize themselves with new technologies. Later today, Apple will also give out its Design Awards to the developers of what the company deems to be the best apps available in its store.

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