


Laura Lorenzetti 2014年06月06日

????韓國科技公司三星(Samsung)及附屬公司的實際控股公司三星愛寶樂園(Samsung Everland)計劃在明年年初進行首次公開募股。隨著三星集團的董事長兼家族元老出現(xiàn)健康問題,他們希望借此鞏固家族對這家公司的擁有權(quán)。


????愛寶樂園的業(yè)務(wù)非常廣泛,從時裝公司到游樂園到高爾夫球場應(yīng)有盡有。他們還擁有亞洲最大的科技公司三星電子(Samsung Electronics),以及其他一系列股份制企業(yè)。這家公司是典型的韓國家族式企業(yè)。通過交叉持股,它使得自己能夠在持有很少股票的情況下仍然掌握著各種集團的控制權(quán)。

????韓國公正交易委員會(Korea Fair Trade Commission)去年的報告顯示,三星的創(chuàng)始人李氏家族共計只持有三星集團1.53%的股份,卻擁有集團下74家公司中49.7%的控制權(quán)。




????Samsung Everland, the effective holding company of the South Korean-technology company and affiliates, is planning an initial public offering by the beginning of next year in an effort to consolidate the family’s ownership as the chairman and family patriarch’s health falters.

????The company said it plans to go public by the first quarter of 2015. Samsung Everland will list in Korean and expects to pick managers for the IPO this month, according to a company spokesman.

????Samsung Everland has a wide range of businesses, from a fashion company to an amusement park and golf resorts. It includes ownership of Samsung Electronics, Asia’s biggest technology company, through a patchwork of complex shareholding companies. The web of cross-shareholdings allows the family-run chaebol, a South Korean form of business conglomerate, to control their various groups while holding only small stakes.

????The founding Lee family owns a combined stake of only 1.53% in the Samsung Group while maintaining control of 49.7% of the group’s 74 companies, according to a Korea Fair Trade Commission report last year.

????The chairman, Lee Kun-hee, 72, suffered a heart attack in May and has been hospitalized since. The public offering could help speed the transition of ownership to his son Jay Y. Lee and daughters Lee Boo-jin and Lee Seo-hyun.

????The younger Lee is Samsung Everland’s largest shareholder with a 25.1% stake as of the end of March and currently serves as the vice chairman of Samsung Electronics. The two daughters each held 8.37% Samsung Everland shares while the elder Lee held 3.72%.

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