


Adam Lashinsky 2014年06月16日

????上世紀(jì)90年代末,一位名叫托尼?法德?tīng)柕哪贻p企業(yè)家試圖說(shuō)服記者出身的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)投資家斯圖爾特?艾爾索普投資于自己的新創(chuàng)企業(yè)Fuse Systems。法德?tīng)栐谙蠕h移動(dòng)軟件公司General Magic就職,隨后在飛利浦(Philips)創(chuàng)建了一個(gè)專做手持設(shè)備的部門。General Magic和飛利浦的袖珍電腦產(chǎn)品都未能取得大的成就。不過(guò),法德?tīng)柎蛩憷米陨斫?jīng)驗(yàn)開(kāi)展一項(xiàng)新的事業(yè)。法德?tīng)柕恼f(shuō)辭可不謙虛。艾爾索普說(shuō):“法德?tīng)枌?duì)我說(shuō):‘關(guān)于移動(dòng)產(chǎn)品,我懂得比誰(shuí)都多。給我投資吧?!卑瑺査髌站芙^了。

????此后,整整過(guò)了十年,法德?tīng)柌旁俅蜗蝻L(fēng)投伸手要錢。他這十年可是沒(méi)有虛度。法德?tīng)柗艞壛薋use Systems項(xiàng)目,加盟蘋果并領(lǐng)導(dǎo)團(tuán)隊(duì)開(kāi)發(fā)出了iPod。iPod這款產(chǎn)品重振了蘋果公司,還顛覆了整個(gè)音樂(lè)產(chǎn)業(yè)。這項(xiàng)成就也使法德?tīng)枏囊粋€(gè)苦苦奮斗的創(chuàng)業(yè)者變成了一位敢于直面史蒂夫?喬布斯的咆哮和怒火的成功高管。硅谷都知道法德?tīng)栠@位善變的iPod“教父”。之后,他又協(xié)助開(kāi)發(fā)了iPhone,給自己的簡(jiǎn)歷又添上了濃墨重彩的一筆。法德?tīng)?008年離開(kāi)蘋果公司管理團(tuán)隊(duì)時(shí),對(duì)于他的下一步舉動(dòng),外界曾有種種猜測(cè)。

????法德?tīng)枦](méi)有馬上發(fā)力,而是休息了幾年,四處旅行,還給自己建了個(gè)度假屋。建度假屋的經(jīng)歷給了他靈感:他得給自己的房子選一款恒溫調(diào)節(jié)器,但他對(duì)可選的產(chǎn)品都很不滿意。法德?tīng)栕詈鬀Q定自己動(dòng)手設(shè)計(jì)一款更出色的新品,同時(shí)圍繞這款產(chǎn)品打造一家叫Nest Labs的公司。他在2010年開(kāi)始募資,這一次,他明顯受待見(jiàn)多了。他的游說(shuō)能力也得到了很大的提高。風(fēng)投公司KPCB合伙人蘭迪?科米薩記得自己盯著蓋在產(chǎn)品上的一塊黑天鵝絨。法德?tīng)栔钡接袟l不紊地講完商業(yè)案例后,才揭開(kāi)了這層神秘的面紗。



????In the late 1990s a young entrepreneur named Tony Fadell tried to persuade Stewart Alsop, a journalist who had recently become a venture capitalist, to invest in his startup, Fuse Systems. Fadell had done a stint at the pioneering mobile-software company General Magic and then created a division within Philips to make handheld devices. Neither General Magic nor the Philips pocket computers amounted to much. But Fadell intended to leverage his experience with a new venture. His pitch was not subtle. Says Alsop: “He essentially said, ‘I’m the guy who knows more about mobile products than anyone else. Give me money.’ ” Alsop declined.

????An entire decade passed before Fadell asked VCs for cash again. But what a decade it was. Fadell abandoned Fuse Systems and joined Apple to lead the team that created the iPod. That singular achievement–the iPod rejuvenated Apple and reordered the music industry–transformed him from a struggling startup guy to an accomplished executive who’d withstood the sound and fury of Steve Jobs. Fadell became known around Silicon Valley as the mercurial “godfather” of the iPod, and he added another dazzling line to his résumé by assisting in the development of the iPhone. When he stepped down from Apple’s management team in 2008, there was much speculation about his next move.

????Rather than jump into anything, Fadell took a couple of years off to travel and build a vacation home. The latter experience triggered an epiphany: He hated all of the thermostats he had to choose from for his house, and he decided to design a new, better one, around which he’d build a company called Nest Labs. He hit the fundraising circuit in 2010, and this time the reception was significantly more welcoming. His pitching skills had improved. Randy Komisar, a partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, remembers staring at a black velvet cloth draped over a product. Fadell would remove it only after he’d methodically set up the business case.

????For Apple cognoscenti, the cloak-over-the-device shtick was an overt homage to Steve Jobs. The late CEO routinely shrouded products, in public demos as well as in his own conference room, in order to build excitement for the big reveal. Yet when Fadell pulled back the veil to display a Styrofoam prototype of a round thermostat, Komisar was crestfallen. “My emotions couldn’t have been lower,” he says. He perked up, however, when he saw Fadell’s last slide: “After the thermostat we plan to do the same thing for every unloved product in the home and make them all magical.” Says Komisar: “Then I got it. Nest was a Trojan horse into the home. In 48 hours we had a check for Tony.”

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