


Jessi Hempel 2014年06月18日




????那些最早擁抱這種轉(zhuǎn)變的人將有機(jī)會(huì)在他們各自的領(lǐng)域里造成重大的影響,同時(shí)在競(jìng)爭(zhēng)中獲得優(yōu)勢(shì)。如果想知道為什么,請(qǐng)繼續(xù)閱讀本系列文章。在本月的系列專題《拍照吧》(Picture This)中,我將為大家介紹一些創(chuàng)造和發(fā)展了新的“視覺(jué)語(yǔ)言”形式的人和企業(yè)。首先我會(huì)介紹一些制造工具的人——比如參加了今年6月4日在紐約舉辦的LDV視覺(jué)峰會(huì)的人,他們?cè)跁?huì)上探討了計(jì)算機(jī)禮堂與溝通技術(shù)的發(fā)展趨勢(shì);然后我會(huì)介紹一些用視覺(jué)溝通的人——比如來(lái)自密西西比的梅麗莎?文森特,她在Instagram上已經(jīng)有了幾十萬(wàn)名粉絲,她還在這個(gè)過(guò)程中發(fā)現(xiàn)了一些講故事的新方法。另外我還將介紹一些解開視覺(jué)語(yǔ)言密碼的人,比如托萊多美術(shù)館館長(zhǎng)布萊恩?肯尼迪,他專門開設(shè)了一門視覺(jué)語(yǔ)言課程。



????Like many mainstream Americans, I uploaded my first digital photograph to a web site called Shutterfly in 1999. An early adopter, I registered for a Facebook account in 2005, though it took three years for my friends and family to join the service with enough mass to make it a reliable platform for communication. And I got an iPhone in the fall of 2007, shortly after Steve Jobs introduced a device so radical it transformed the phone into a camera.

????Now it’s 2014, and I have taken 500 photos in the past month. They include a daily snapshot of my dog on our morning walk, holiday photos of family members cooking together, photos of my notes from interviews, of business cards, the tag to a dress I might buy, the milk I need to pick up from the store. And a hastily snapped “selfie,” or self-portrait, of myself frowning in the dentist’s office, sent to my partner to make the point that I hate visiting the dentist.

????For the most part, these photos are not designed to document an occasion. They have become a visual shorthand that is at once more emotionally resonant and more efficient than the words I might once have used to express the same ideas. This shift in the nature of communications will have a substantial effect on culture, business and politics. It’s already reshaping entire industries from advertising to journalism to fashion. It’s powering political campaigns, and will help decide elections. It’s changing the American approach to foreign diplomacy. It’s redefining art and our relationship with the cultural institutions that embody it.

????Those who embrace this shift early have the opportunity to amass influence in their fields and gain power among their peers. How, you ask? Read on. In this month’s series, Picture This, I plan to chronicle the stories of the people and businesses enabling and evolving new forms of visual literacy. I will write about the toolmakers—the entrepreneurs attending the LDV Vision Summit June 4 in New York, where they’ll discuss computer vision and trends in communications technology. I will introduce you to the communicators—the artists like Mississippi-based Melissa Vincent who are building hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram, and discovering new ways of telling stories in the process. And I will shed light on the decoders like Brian Kennedy, the curator at the Toledo Art Museum, who has developed a curriculum for visual literacy.

????The future belongs to the visually literate. May you be among them.

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