


Katherine Noyes 2014年06月23日






????他說:“我認(rèn)為,在營(yíng)銷和旅客體驗(yàn)等領(lǐng)域,仍然有大量的需求沒有得到滿足。像谷歌(Google)等公司正在通過Google Now等工具,試圖成為航空業(yè)的終極助手。我認(rèn)為如果航空公司構(gòu)建一個(gè)有用的差旅助手,通過將數(shù)據(jù)與移動(dòng)整合到一起,能夠提前知道我的需求的話,這對(duì)航空公司來說將是一個(gè)巨大的機(jī)會(huì)。另外,它也能在從出發(fā)地到目的地的整段旅程為人們提供幫助?!?/p>



????‘Few companies are really leveraging big data’

????Exciting though those benefits may be, there’s an even bigger pool of potential payoffs remaining untouched. “Surprisingly few [airline] companies are really leveraging big data today,” O’Flanagan said.

????Indeed, “I’ve not seen a single major airline with an integrated ‘big data’ business solution, nor an airline with a plan to integrate such a program,” said Richard Eastman, founder and president of The Eastman Group, which builds travel software.

????That depends on how one defines big data, however. “The airlines will tell you they ‘have it all’ without really knowing or understanding what ‘big data’ really is,” Eastman said. “Airline managements remain so focused on selling seats with their existing inventory systems that they have ignored buyer information needs as well as the tools that would enable them to reach out to buyers and travelers to serve those needs—let alone, reach buyers at decision-making moments.”

????Marketing, flight operations and crew operations are all areas of rich opportunity, O’Flanagan said.

????“I think there’s still a huge unmet need in the marketing and customer experience area,” he said. “Companies like Google are trying to be the ultimate assistant with technologies like Google Now. I think there’s a huge opportunity for airlines to create a helpful travel assistant that knows what I need before I do by combining data with mobile—helping people through airports, in-destination, right throughout the whole travel journey.

????“Imagine a travel application that knows where I am, that I’m traveling with my family and that the weather is bad on our beach holiday. It could start to offer alternative itineraries close by that are family-friendly and not weather-dependent. These are truly valuable things an airline could do for me if they could use big data effectively and join the dots between me, my travel experience and environmental factors affecting that.”

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