


Benjamin Snyder 2014年06月27日


????蘇亞雷斯剛剛在周二的世界杯比賽場上咬傷了意大利隊后衛(wèi)吉奧吉奧?基耶利尼的肩膀,888撲克公司(Poker company 888)隔日就發(fā)表聲明,宣布公司正重新審查與烏拉圭球員路易斯?蘇亞雷斯的合作關(guān)系。


????這位咬人的烏拉圭球員效力于英超(English Premier League)的利物浦俱樂部(Liverpool),五月份剛剛成為888撲克公司的形象大使之一。除贊助商外,國際足聯(lián)(FIFA)也啟動了對蘇亞雷斯的調(diào)查程序。


????阿斯達斯公司周三發(fā)表聲明:“阿迪達斯公司擔心路易斯?蘇亞雷斯事件的負面影響,我們正等待國際足聯(lián)對此事件的全面調(diào)查結(jié)果,之后再酌情處理。” (最新消息:阿迪達斯稱不會終止與蘇亞雷斯的贊助合約,在之后的世界杯營銷中將不再出現(xiàn)其形象。——編注)

????“蘇亞雷斯可謂劣跡斑斑,剛從過去的咬人風波和種族歧視事件中恢復(fù)過來,又陷入世界杯“咬人門”。最新咬人事件后,他便慘遭俱樂部、粉絲和贊助商拋棄,”英國著名品牌價值顧問公司——品牌財經(jīng)(Brand Finance)的CEO大衛(wèi)?哈埃在郵件中說?!疤K亞雷斯的所作所為徹底破壞了他的個人形象,這是無論多么精湛的球技都無法修復(fù)的。即將發(fā)生的公關(guān)災(zāi)難會讓他的品牌價值大大降低?!?/p>

????加利福尼亞貝克街(Baker Street)廣告公司的體育營銷專家鮑伯?多爾夫曼也說,路易斯?蘇亞雷斯這個名人品牌已經(jīng)“毫無價值”。“他現(xiàn)在是一名身負嚴重問題的運動員,已經(jīng)無法贏得贊助商的信任。不僅如此,如果他遭到重罰(非常有可能),我們可能在很長一段時間內(nèi)無法在世界杯或英超聯(lián)賽的綠茵場上看到他了?!?/p>




????The assailant in the bite witnessed around the world is finding himself in more than a lick of trouble.

????Poker company 888 said on Wednesday that it is reviewing its sponsorship deal with Uruguay soccer player Luis Suarez after he allegedly bit Italian defender Giorgi Chiellini’s shoulder during a World Cup game Tuesday.

????“Following the allegations made against Luis Suarez in regards to his behavior during Uruguay’s World Cup match against Italy, 888poker is seriously reviewing its relationship with the player as we will not tolerate any unsporting behavior,” the company said in a statement.

????The Uruguayan, who plays for Liverpool in the English Premier League, became one of the company’s brand ambassadors just last month. Separately, FIFA has opened disciplinary proceedings against Suarez.

????Meanwhile, Suarez, who has a sponsorship deal with sports gear maker Adidas, may have trouble sinking his teeth into any more lucrative deals with them in the future, although the company played coy in its own statement ahead of FIFA’s decision.

????“Adidas is aware of the issue involving Luis Suarez. We await FIFA’s full investigation into this matter and will respond accordingly,” the company said Wednesday.

????“Before the World Cup Luis Suarez brand was recovering from his previous biting and racist abuse incidents. After the latest episode he has made himself toxic to clubs, fans and sponsors,” said David Haigh, the CEO of Brand Finance, a brand valuation consultancy firm based in the U.K., via email. “He brings brands into disrepute and however good his playing skills may be his personal brand will never recover. He is a PR disaster waiting to happen and has drastically reduced his personal brand value.”

????Bob Dorfman, a sports marketing expert for the California advertising firm Baker Street, added that the Luis Suarez brand has “bit the dust.” He continued, “This is an athlete with serious issues, who cannot be trusted by his sponsors. And with major punishment likely, we may not be seeing him on a soccer pitch — World Cup or English Premier League – for quite a while.”

????A ruling is expected to be announced ahead of Uruguay’s game against Colombia on Saturday. Suarez also found himself in trouble for pervious biting incidents both in 2010 and 2013.

????Suarez’s brand debacle comes in light of numerous other high-profile athletes who lost endorsements due to foul play, including Tiger Woods after being found to have mistresses, Lance Armstrong for doping and Mike Tyson for being arrested numerous times throughout his career.

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