


Geoffrey Smith 2014年07月03日


????周末,導(dǎo)致英國(guó)最大的制藥公司葛蘭素史克(GlaxoSmithKline Plc)出現(xiàn)震蕩的行賄丑聞出現(xiàn)撲朔迷離的轉(zhuǎn)折:一段記錄了葛蘭素史克中國(guó)區(qū)業(yè)務(wù)主管馬克銳與其中國(guó)籍女友性愛(ài)過(guò)程的視頻錄像發(fā)到了這家公司高管的手中,而且其中也許包含著某種勒索企圖。這段視頻似乎是在馬克銳位于上海的公寓中用隱秘?cái)z像頭拍攝的。

????據(jù)《泰晤士報(bào)》(The Times of)報(bào)道,這段視頻錄像以電子郵件附件的形式發(fā)給了葛蘭素史克的13位高管,其中包括公司的首席執(zhí)行官安偉杰爵士,發(fā)件人在郵件中控訴葛蘭素史克公司通過(guò)賄賂的手段讓中國(guó)醫(yī)生以高價(jià)采購(gòu)藥品和醫(yī)療產(chǎn)品。



????針對(duì)葛蘭素史克的行賄調(diào)查震動(dòng)了很多在華經(jīng)營(yíng)的公司,很多人認(rèn)為要進(jìn)入這個(gè)快速增長(zhǎng)的關(guān)鍵市場(chǎng),除了遵照要求行賄外別無(wú)他法。透明國(guó)際組織(Transparency International)去年曾經(jīng)對(duì)世界各國(guó)的腐敗感知度進(jìn)行過(guò)調(diào)查,在上榜的177個(gè)國(guó)家中,中國(guó)排在第80位。20國(guó)集團(tuán)(G20)成員國(guó)中只有五個(gè)國(guó)家排在中國(guó)后面。中國(guó)政府宣稱已經(jīng)挖出了一個(gè)從公司高管到醫(yī)生和其他醫(yī)療系統(tǒng)官員的“完整賄賂鏈條”,《金融時(shí)報(bào)》(the Financial Times)援引一位政府經(jīng)濟(jì)犯罪調(diào)查官員的話說(shuō),“葛蘭素史克(中國(guó))投資公司在中國(guó)的所有部門(mén)和制藥生產(chǎn)子公司全都(涉嫌)卷入了”這起賄賂案。

????與此同時(shí),英國(guó)嚴(yán)重欺詐辦公室(Serious Fraud Office)也對(duì)葛蘭素史克展開(kāi)了獨(dú)立調(diào)查。這家公司在伊拉克和波蘭同樣面臨腐敗指控。




????You might be forgiven that someone has been watching too many spy movies.

????The scandal that has rocked the U.K.’s biggest drug company, GlaxoSmithKline Plc GSK -0.56% took a bizarre turn at the weekend after it emerged that a video recording of Mark Reilly, GSK’s head of Chinese operations, having sex with his Chinese girlfriend, was sent to top company executives in what appears to be an attempt at blackmail. The incident appeared to have been filmed in Reilly’s Shanghai’s flat using a covert camera.

????The Times of London reported that the tape was sent to 13 senior staff, including chief executive Sir Andrew Witty, as an attachment to an e-mail that alleged the company was bribing doctors in China to pay for drugs and healthcare products at inflated prices.

????A spokesman for GSK Monday confirmed the existence of the tape but declined to give any further details. Reilly is separated from his wife.

????The tapes were reportedly sent in April 2013, just before Chinese authorities launched a wide-ranging probe into suspected corruption at the company’s local operations. That probe has since led to the arrest of Reilly and two other GSK executives, as well as that of Peter Humphrey, a private investigator whom GSK reportedly hired to find out the source of the video. The charges carry a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.

????The investigation has sent shockwaves through many companies operating in China, where many feel they have no option but to comply with demands for bribes to get access to a key growth market. China ranked 80th out of 177 countries in Transparency International’s last survey of corruption perceptions around the world. Only five of co-members of the G20 score worse.

????Chinese officials claim to have established “a complete chain of bribery” from the company’s top management to doctors and other healthcare officials, and the Financial Times reported an official in the government’s economic crime investigation as saying that “all departments and pharmaceutical production subsidiaries of GSK (China) Investment across China were fully engaged” in the alleged bribery.

????The UK’s Serious Fraud Office, meanwhile, haslaunched its own investigation into GSK, which has also faced claims of corruption in Iraq and Poland.

????GSK said Monday that “the allegations that have been raised are deeply concerning to us. We have committed significant resources to find out what happened in China, including an independent legal review. We also continue to make fundamental changes to our business in China.”

????It said it was “l(fā)earning lessons from this situation” and “determined to take all actions necessary as a result.”

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