


Erin Griffith 2014年07月16日



????但這還不是全部。摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)副董事長吉米?李在并購領(lǐng)域一直處于前列。他推動摩根大通越來越多地參與到了科技公司的資本運(yùn)作,其中最引人注意的就是中國電子商務(wù)巨擘阿里巴巴(Alibaba)備受期待的首發(fā)上市。

????周一,吉米?李在阿斯彭舉行的財富頭腦風(fēng)暴技術(shù)會議(Brainstorm Tech Conference)上登臺發(fā)言。他提出了科技行業(yè)出現(xiàn)并購熱潮的另一條佐證,那就是最近幾年,就并購事項(xiàng)發(fā)布公告后上市科技公司的股價沒有下跌,反而節(jié)節(jié)攀升。傳統(tǒng)上,收購方的價值會下降,因?yàn)槭召彆a(chǎn)生費(fèi)用,而且收購能否帶來收益存在不確定性。



????吉米?李指出,各家公司一直在囤積現(xiàn)金,而資本成本“實(shí)際上為零”。資產(chǎn)負(fù)債規(guī)模巨大的科技公司紛紛崛起,導(dǎo)致風(fēng)險投資領(lǐng)域出現(xiàn)了一個有意思的現(xiàn)象。除了四處收購,風(fēng)投資金還在相互競爭。谷歌的風(fēng)投業(yè)務(wù)已經(jīng)令人望而生畏,而包括康卡斯特(Comcast)和時代華納(Time Warner)在內(nèi)的大型傳媒公司也在提升對初創(chuàng)公司的投資規(guī)模。

????股票投資機(jī)構(gòu)Breyer Capital首席執(zhí)行官吉米?布雷耶指出,以前人們總是認(rèn)為這些公司的風(fēng)投部門并不是真正的風(fēng)投市場參與者,但現(xiàn)在它們“正在非常有效地展開競爭”。這給風(fēng)險投資者帶來了更大的競爭風(fēng)險。同時,競爭已經(jīng)全球化,阿里巴巴、百度(Baidu)和騰訊(Tencent)等亞洲多元化集團(tuán)都已經(jīng)加入了這個行列。

????估值方面的情況是——沒錯,估值水平已經(jīng)上升。風(fēng)投機(jī)構(gòu)First Round Capital合伙人喬什?科佩爾曼說,近年來種子階段投資的價格已經(jīng)提高了20%-30%。他說:“我們一直在努力保持對價格的敏感性。但作為風(fēng)投機(jī)構(gòu),我們放棄了對Twitter的投資……原因就是價格。”他表示,等到移動支付服務(wù)供應(yīng)商Square來到自己面前時,他決定不重蹈覆轍。



????The speed and volume of mergers and acquisitions large and small in the technology industry has ramped up. Global tech M&A volume in the first half of this year was up 55% over last year, reaching its highest level since 2000.

????Part of the reason for the buying spree is because tech companies have massive cash piles on their balance sheets. There’s also the acqui-hire trend, where tech companies are created cheaply, raise seed funding easily, fail, and then “sell” to Yahoo YHOO 0.76% , Facebook FB 2.35% , or Google GOOG 0.98% – which merely want the employees.

????But that’s not all. As vice chairman of JPMorgan Chase, Jimmy Lee has a front-row seat to the deal action. And he’s been increasingly pushing the firm into tech deals, most notably, the much-anticipated initial public offering of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba.

????Speaking on stage at Fortune’s Brainstorm Tech conference in Aspen on Monday, Lee pointed to another sign of a tech M&A boom: Shares of publicly traded tech companies going up, not down when they announced acquisitions in recent years. Traditionally, companies that acquire another lose value because of the expense along with the uncertainty about making the deal pay off.

????“So the buy side is saying, we’re going to pay for growth, and it’s okay if we pay a premium,” Lee said. “A lot of it is a growth challenge that companies now want to go after, and attack it hard.”

????See a video of the discussion here.

????Lee cited Facebook’s success with its $1 billion Instagram acquisition (recently outlined in the latest issue of Fortune magazine) and Google’s success with buying YouTube eight years ago as examples of successful growth by acquisition.

????Companies have been hoarding cash, Lee said, and the cost of capital “is virtually zero.” The rise of tech companies with massive balance sheets has created another interesting wrinkle for venture capital world. Aside from buying up portfolio companies, they’re also competing. Google built up has a formidable venture capital practice, and large media companies from Comcast to Time Warner have also ramped up their startup investing.

????Jim Breyer, CEO of Breyer Capital, noted that these corporate venture arms, which weren’t always viewed as serious players in the VC game, are now “competing very effectively.” That has increased the competitive risks to venture investors, Breyer added. The competition is global, too, with Asian conglomerates from Alibaba and Baidu to Tencent bidding up deals.

????And about those valuations: Yes, they’ve gone up. Josh Kopelman, a partner at First Round Capital, says seed deals have increased in price by around 20% to 30% in recent years, which makes his job difficult. “We have tried to maintain price sensitivity,” he said. “But you’re also talking to a VC who passed on Twitter … because of price.” He noted that he decided not to do the same thing when Square knocked on his door.

????Breyer had a similar philosophy around valuations: If the founding team is good enough, he’s happy to pay up. All of his best deals, including Facebook, which he invested in at a $78 million pre-money valuation, have come at prices high enough to give some investors pause. “If it’s a 50x or 100x [return], I caved on price,” he said.

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