


Erin Griffith 2014年07月17日


????在科羅拉多州阿斯彭召開的《財富》科技頭腦風暴大會(Fortune Brainstorm Tech)上,BuzzFeed創(chuàng)始人兼首席執(zhí)行官喬納?柏瑞迪表示,雖然即使BuzzFeed打算繼續(xù)保持私營身份,但是迪斯尼依然是一家值得款待的公司。“(迪斯尼公司CEO)鮑勃?伊格爾是一個令人印象深刻的人,我喜歡跟他聊天,”他說。“如果有人能說服喬治?盧卡斯賣掉盧卡斯電影公司(Lucasfilm),說服史蒂夫?喬布斯賣掉皮克斯動畫工作室(Pixar),那就非常值得跟他共進晚餐?!?/p>

????今年早些時候,BuzzFeed發(fā)布的《紐約時報創(chuàng)新報告》(New York Times Innovation Report)概述了“灰色女士 (譯注:紐約時報別稱)”在其轉型為一家數(shù)字媒體公司的征途中所面臨的種種挑戰(zhàn),引起了傳媒界的巨大關注。這份報告多次提及BuzzFeed自身,以及Vox Media和Upworthy等數(shù)字媒體初創(chuàng)公司。




????《紐約時報》不可能效仿BuzzFeed最近在做的一件事情——刪除一些舊文章。多媒體博客站點Gawker本周早些時候報道稱,BuzzFeed在2010年到2011年期間發(fā)布的某些文章已經從這個網站上消失了,因為它們不符合該網站目前的“編輯標準。” 柏瑞迪在《財富》科技頭腦風暴大會的舞臺上發(fā)言稱,這些文章源自BuzzFeed的早期版本。在后來聘請的總編本?史密斯的引領下,Buzzfeed已經轉變?yōu)橐患覍I(yè)新聞機構。



????With its engaged audience of 150 million young readers, BuzzFeed has been the envy of many traditional media companies. Earlier this year, the company has even attracted an acquisition bid from Disney DIS -0.70% .

????At the Fortune Brainstorm Tech conference in Aspen, Colo. today, BuzzFeed’s founder and chief executive Jonah Peretti said Disney was worth entertaining, even if BuzzFeed plans to stay private. “[Disney CEO] Bob Iger is a very impressive guy, and I enjoy talking to him,” he said. “And if someone can convince George Lucas to sell Lucasfilm and Steve Jobs to sell Pixar, they’re worth having dinner with.”

????Earlier this year, BuzzFeed made waves in the media industry by publishing the New York Times Innovation Report, an internal document that outlines the paper’s challenges in transforming The Gray Lady into a digital media company. BuzzFeed itself was referred to several times in the report, along with digital media startups such as Vox Media and Upworthy.

????Peretti said he believes the Times was actually too hard on itself. If he were writing the report, it wouldn’t be focused on the various tech products that the Timeslacks. ”The challenge is not that they need some feature some competitor has. It would be about the shift to digital,” he said.

????“One big mistake people make across all of business is to want to become what you’re not. People get obsessed with [their competitors]. If you’re in TV, you want to be online and be cool and webby,” he said. “If you’re cool and webby, you want to buy and produce original shows,” he said.

????“Copying BuzzFeed in general is not a good strategy,” Peretti added. “The best way to success is to think of what you’re really good at and extend yourself in those areas.”

????One thing BuzzFeed did recently, which the New York Times would not likely copy, is delete some old articles. Earlier this week Gawker reported that several BuzzFeed posts from 2010 and 2011 had disappeared from the site because they did not meet the site’s current “editorial standards.” On stage at Brainstorm Tech today, Peretti said those posts were from an earlier version of BuzzFeed, before the company hired editor-in-chief Ben Smith to turn BuzzFeed into a professional news organization.

????Those posts were done before BuzzFeed had a copy desk, a style manual, and a team of reporters. “It was almost the product of a different company, like before our pivot,” he said. “[It was] before we pivoted to being a journalistic organization—from a lab to being a place that creates professional content.”

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