


Verne Kopytoff 2014年07月22日

????在這個由谷歌(Google)和復(fù)興的蘋果公司(Apple) 引領(lǐng)風(fēng)潮的時代,微軟(Microsoft)首席執(zhí)行官薩蒂亞?納德拉正在嘗試著重啟這家公司。他的待辦事項肯定滿滿當(dāng)當(dāng):幾乎所有的微軟產(chǎn)品都受到挑戰(zhàn),或者落后于競爭對手。


????上周,納德拉發(fā)布了一份3,000字的使命宣言。在這份宣言中,他向全體員工陳述了一件顯而易見的事情:微軟需要更多的緊迫感和創(chuàng)新。隨后,在科羅拉多州阿斯彭召開的《財富》科技頭腦風(fēng)暴大會(Fortune’s Brainstorm Tech) 上,納德拉同樣令人難以捉摸。他著重強調(diào)這家公司的巨大潛力,但問題是,這位微軟掌門人并沒有勾勒他打算如何實現(xiàn)這種潛能。


????“對于一家規(guī)模如此巨大,對消費者做出如此多承諾的公司來說,哪怕輕微地轉(zhuǎn)身,也是一件極其困難的事情,”Reticle Research研究公司獨立分析師羅斯?魯賓說。





????“微軟獨家提供的軟件跟許多其他的免費選項究竟有何區(qū)別?”Jackdaw Research公司獨立分析師賈恩?道森說。

????Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s chief executive, has his hands full trying to reboot his company in the age of Google and a resurgent Apple. Nearly all of its products are under attack or trailing the competition.

????What Nadella should do has been the subject of great debate among industry watchers. On Thursday, he took his first major step by announcing plans to cut 18,000 jobs to help streamline the company. Despite the scope of the move—it would be Microsoft’s largest-ever wave of layoffs—Nadella has been vague about what may be in store for the technology giant.

????Last week, he released a 3,000-word mission statement to employees in which he stated the obvious: that Microsoft MSFT 1.02% needs more urgency and innovation. He followed it up with an equally elusive appearance at Fortune’s Brainstorm Tech conference in Aspen, Colo. during which he emphasized the huge potential of his company. One problem: Nadella did not outline how he planned to achieve it.

????Analysts have a number of ideas for Microsoft, from incremental to radical. Nearly all agree that reinvigorating a company as big as Microsoft will take time, if it can be done at all.

????“It’s very difficult for a company of that size and that many commitments to customers to turn on a dime,” said Ross Rubin, an independent analyst with Reticle Research.

????Microsoft, of course, once dominated the technology industry with its Windows computer operating system and Office productivity software suite. But the world quickly changed, and Microsoft was slow to change with it. Today, Microsoft’s position is weak because it failed to anticipate the shift by consumers from desktop computers to mobile devices early enough. Now, it’s scrambling to catch up.

????The company remains a behemoth with $63.5 billion in sales during the first nine months of this fiscal year. Profits during that period reached an impressive $17.5 billion, but they gained only 3% from a year earlier.

????Microsoft’s software business, the company’s cornerstone, is facing a difficult fight with rivals like Google GOOG -1.53% and Apple AAPL -1.78% essentially giving their versions away for free. For Microsoft, competing in such an environment, at least in the long term, is a losing battle if it fails to make major changes.

????Earlier this year, Microsoft released a version of Office for Apple’s iPad, years after the tablet had become a blockbuster seller. The delay is believed to have costMicrosoft a large number of potential sales and left the market wide open for others to fill. So far, people have managed just fine without Office on their tablets and may now see little reason to spend money on it.

????“What does Microsoft uniquely provide that is differentiated from other options, many of which are free?” asked Jan Dawson, an independent analyst with Jackdaw Research.

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