


Jason Cipriani 2014年07月25日





????亞馬遜的第一款智能手機起了個簡單的名字“Fire”(火),它也是亞馬遜為打造數(shù)字購物天堂推出的最新一款硬件設(shè)備。這款手機將于7月25日開始出貨。早在六月,亞馬遜便將這款手機吹捧得人間少有。它搭載了亞馬遜自家的應(yīng)用和服務(wù), 并且借鑒了谷歌安卓或是Kindle平板電腦的模式,力求吸引人們來到一個由亞馬遜主宰的世界。


????不過,如今的智能手機經(jīng)常要靠軟件來分高下。亞馬遜的Fire手機搭載了一個叫做FireOS的操作系統(tǒng),不過它實質(zhì)上是谷歌安卓系統(tǒng)的一個“純凈版”。它的自帶應(yīng)用包括亞馬遜的即時視頻、Kindle電子書、Prime Music市場,值得一提的是每位Fire手機用戶都可免費享用一年亞馬遜的Prime會員服務(wù)。不過光靠一款搭載了亞馬遜服務(wù)的手機,還不足以把全世界變成一個大“樣品間”。這時候就要靠FireFly(意為螢火蟲)大顯身手了。


????The first time I used Amazon’s mobile application I was flabbergasted.

????I used the app to scan a bar code at Wal-Mart. Not only did it properly identify the toy in my hand, I was able to order it for overnight delivery with a few more taps. Oh, and I saved $8. With order confirmation in hand, I immediately ran over to my wife, who was a few aisles away. I picked up another product to demonstrate. She shared in my amazement. From that point forward, our approach to shopping was forever changed.

????The impact that Amazon has had on the way people buy things is difficult to overstate. According to ComScore, 73.3 percent of smartphone users in the U.S. accessed Amazon’s mobile websites in December 2013, the height of the winter holiday shopping season. That’s more than 114 million people.

????Here’s the rub: according to the same report, Amazon’s dedicated app—the one with the barcode scanning feature, which isn’t available on the company’s website—was only used by 22.6 percent of smartphone users in the U.S. That’s still a lot of people, and it all results in revenue for Amazon. But people made 17.6 billion trips to U.S. stores in November and December 2013, according to ShopperTrak, suggesting that there is plenty of money still on the table and, for an e-tailer like Amazon, ample opportunity to turn the world into a giant showroom.

????Amazon’s first smartphone, which it calls simply “Fire,” is the company’s latest physical device to help it reach this quasi-digital nirvana. The handset, which will begin shipping on Friday and which the company announced with much fanfare in June, is loaded with Amazon’s own applications and services—taking a page from Google’s Android playbook, or perhaps its own Kindle one—to entice people to embrace a world where Amazon rules.

????On the hardware front, the phone keeps up with its peers. It has a 4.7-inch high-definition display, a 13-megapixel camera, 32 or 64 gigabytes of storage and two gigabytes of memory. It will retail for $199 or $299, based on storage selection, with a two-year AT&T service contract. (When I pressed Amazon regarding the length of the U.S. carrier’s exclusivity, I was met with annoyed smiles and “no comment.”)

????Nonetheless, today’s smartphones are most differentiated by their software, and the Fire’s operating system, a stripped version of Google’s Android dubbed FireOS, comes loaded with access to Amazon’s Instant Video, Kindle books, and Prime Music marketplaces, courtesy of a clever promotion that gives every new Fire owner a free one-year membership to Amazon’s Prime service. Still, a phone packed with Amazon services isn’t enough to turn the world into a show floor. That’s where Firefly comes in.

????The phone’s flagship feature is a scanning application that can identify more than 100 million different products, from food to household items to media such as music, movies and games. It can scan physical items using the phone’s camera and pinpoint more slippery products—think music, television shows, or movies—using the phone’s microphone.

掃碼打開財富Plus App
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