


John Kell 2014年07月28日


????“我是艾維公司的早期投資人之一,這樣做有兩個原因——領(lǐng)導(dǎo)團隊,以及創(chuàng)新性地利用媒體來打造一個全球性品牌這種做法,”阿姆斯特朗在發(fā)給《財富》的一封電子郵件中寫道。 “我把艾維視為烈酒領(lǐng)域的紅牛 (Red Bull) 。”

????家庭影院電視臺(HBO)劇集《明星伙伴》(Entourage) 的熱播,讓這一品牌的知名度獲得免費提升。由于奧斯汀與《明星伙伴》創(chuàng)作者道格?葉林是好朋友,這款植入式廣告是免費的,但鑒于一些消費者認為它是虛構(gòu)品牌,這種宣傳也造成了一些問題。







????Avion was launched in July 2010 but quickly generated interest from some major alcoholic beverage makers. Pernod Ricard acquired a minority stake of the Avion Spirits joint venture in 2011. Other early investors included AOL Chief Executive Tim Armstrong and YouTube co-founder Chad Hurley.

????“I was an early investor in Avion for two reasons – the leadership team and the innovative use of media to build a global brand,” Armstrong said in an e-mail toFortune. “I looked at Avion as the Red Bull of spirits.”

????The brand got a free boost of publicity, as it was featured series plotline in the hit HBO show “Entourage.” That product placement was free, due to a friendship between Austin and “Entourage” creator Doug Ellin, though the publicity created some problems as some consumers thought the brand wasn’t real.

????Avion’s sales growth suggests it is the real deal. Sales have climbed in the high double- to triple-digits since launch, and Austin says it is the fastest growing ultrapremium tequila in the world.

????At stake is a booming tequila market that has seen rapid consumer interest in the U.S. as Avion, Patron and other manufacturers focus more on the quality of the agave and the distillation process. Patron this year is launching a line of pricey drinks as part of the largest product launch in the company’s 25-year history. Justin Timberlake, George Clooney and Sean “Diddy” Combs have all jumped on the tequila bandwagon. The growth over the past decade has been strongest on the higher end.

????Avion generally sells for between $40 to $60 a bottle, so it is considered a premium-priced spirit, though Austin says the price is an “affordable luxury” for consumers.

????And while Avion’s prime audience is generally between the ages of 25 to 40, Austin said the tequila has broad appeal.

????“If they are 21 and they have a mouth, I’m interested in them,” Austin said.

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