


Ben Geier 2014年07月28日

????通用汽車(General Motors)上周四表示,由于多起召回事件產生的成本,以及為點火開關故障導致的至少13起死亡傷害建立賠償基金預計的耗費,公司第二季度的利潤縮水了83%。



????這一季度,通用汽車召回了大量產品,首席執(zhí)行官瑪麗?巴拉也多次在國會作證。公司已經支付了美國運輸部(Department of Transportation)和美國國家公路運輸安全局(National Highway Transportation Administration)開具的3,500萬美元罰款。面對持續(xù)的點火開關故障丑聞,公司在未來可能還會收到司法部(Justice Department)更大的罰單。





????General Motors said Thursday its second-quarter profit plunged 83% due to the cost of numerous recalls and the expected cost of a compensation fund for those killed or injured by a faulty ignition switch linked to at least 13 deaths.

????The automaker said its net income in the quarter fell to $200 million, compared with $1.2 billion in the same period a year earlier.

????The quarter included charges for the establishment of a victims’ compensation fund, which GM said could cost the company as much as $600 million, as well as an additional $874 million for the cost of repairing the nearly 30 million cars it has recalled so far this year.

????The automaker’s results come after a quarter in which GM has issued myriad recalls and seen CEO Mary Barra called to testify in front of Congress multiple times. The company took a $35 million fine from the Department of Transportation and National Highway Transportation Administration, and could still be looking at even bigger charges from the Justice Department for the ongoing faulty ignition switch scandal.

????GM’s revenue for the quarter was mostly flat from a year prior, with total money brought in sitting at $39.6 billion compared with $39.1 billion the year before.

????On Wednesday, GM announced six new vehicle recalls, expanding beyond the ignition switch defect that has dogged the automaker for much of this year, bringing its total recall number for the year to 60 involving almost 30 million vehicles worldwide.

????For much of the year, GM has been overwhelmed by a safety crisis set off by faulty ignition switches in millions of older cars that the automaker has linked to multiple deaths.

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