


Sheila Marikar 2014年08月01日








????When Bridget Dolan breezed into the Sephora store on San Francisco’s Powell Street on a recent Thursday afternoon, her iPhone lit up. This happens a lot—anytime she passes within a few feet of a Sephora store, really, which in her role as the beauty emporium’s vice president of digital marketing is often.

????A notification on her phone’s screen informed Dolan that she had a Sephora gift card with a bunch of loyalty points—more than 7,000—to spend on goop and glitz. Detecting her proximity to the store, the Sephora app on her iPhone had triggered Passbook, Apple’s coupon and ticket storing app, to remind her. “I like to think of Passbook as a magnet to pull clients into the store,” she said. “Suddenly, I’m like, ‘I have a red-hot gift card at Sephora I forgot about.’”

????It’s one of the many ways the makeup company, which is owned by the luxury goods giant LVMH, is using technology to draw in customers and make them spend more time with it, whether in person or online. “We didn’t want to just put technology in here that’s flashy,” she said, gesturing around a store that was humming with the sounds of pop music and filled with cubicle-dwellers trying out new looks on their lunch breaks. “We want to integrate technology into our shopping experience in a way that’s additive and doesn’t go against the grain of the way someone would want to shop.”

????Bypassing a battalion of blush, Dolan sidled up to a kiosk and lightly tapped on its display. This is the Sensa kiosk, she said—one of three interactive screens that help Sephora customers pick out the right product for them, with or without the assistance of a “cast member,” the company’s name for its staffers.

????Sephora uses Sensa as a tool to select fragrances, the business on which the chain was founded. The kiosk starts with general questions—do you want to smell like flowers or fruit?—and continues refining choices based on your previous answers. Think of it as Amazon’s recommended reading algorithm, but for smelling good. Last year, Sephora installed Sensa in all of their more than 1,700 stores last year, Dolan said. “We love that technology so much that we bought the company,” she said, “and we’ll continue to enhance the experience.”

????Dolan strode past the bevy of perfume bottles surrounding Sensa and stopped at another interactive display, this one for skin care products. The device works in a similar way to the fragrance kiosk, but also pulls in reviews of products from users and experts, plus more data mined from Sephora’s website. “It helps to have the best of what’s amazing online—the search and sort filters, what are the best sellers, what’s top rated?” she said. “The whole idea for us is that it’s unbiased. If you picked this product and said, ‘Give me products that work with it,’ the products that work with it aren’t necessarily from that brand.”

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