


Sheila Marikar 2014年08月01日

????多蘭把她最喜歡的化妝品機(jī)器設(shè)備留到最后介紹。她徑直走向?qū)Yu店中心。在那里,第三臺(tái)互動(dòng)設(shè)備擺放在一個(gè)光線充足的鏡子旁邊。這臺(tái)比其他兩部設(shè)備都小,被絲芙蘭公司稱為“顏色智商”(Color IQ)的機(jī)器,使用一個(gè)手持拍攝設(shè)備對(duì)準(zhǔn)每位客戶的面部,然后以多達(dá)1,500種不同的色調(diào)來描繪她們的膚色。作為當(dāng)天的“導(dǎo)演”,多蘭招呼一位美容顧問測試一下我的膚色。這位年輕女士刷了兩下我的臉和脖子,“你的皮膚真好,”她說?!邦伾巧獭彪S即確定了我的膚色類型——5y05(“y”代表黃色;還有“R”代表紅色),以及一組與這個(gè)代碼相匹配的粉底和遮瑕膏。


????一旦你找到完美的香氛、護(hù)膚品和面部底妝產(chǎn)品,絲芙蘭還有另一種希望你使用的工具:Beauty Board。這是一款在絲芙蘭手機(jī)應(yīng)用和官網(wǎng)上都具備的功能,其運(yùn)作方式就像是照片分享網(wǎng)站Instagram的內(nèi)部交流版。多蘭瀏覽了一下最新發(fā)布的一些帖子:一張是極富特色的金色閃粉眼線,另一張是珊瑚色腮紅。通過Beauty Board,消費(fèi)者和員工可以上傳她們剛剛打理過的臉部照片,并附上使用的化妝品名稱,這樣其他人就可以模仿她們的妝容。事實(shí)證明,自拍真是絲芙蘭的好朋友。




????Dolan saved her favorite marriage—of makeup and machinery—for last. She cleared a path to the center of the store, where a third kiosk, smaller than the rest, sat adjacent to a well-lit mirror. This one, which Sephora calls Color IQ, uses a hand-held capture device that calibrates to each client’s visage and maps out their skin color on a range of 1,500 different hues. Every bit the director in the day’s production, Dolan flagged down a cast member to try it out on me. Two swipes over my face and neck—”You have really nice skin,” the young woman said—and Color IQ gave me the designation of 5y05 (“y” as in yellow; there’s also “r” for red) and an array of foundations and concealers that match that code.

????The goal of the system is to cut down on a traditionally tedious process. “The average woman buys seven foundations before she finds the right one,” Dolan said. “Not only is she looking for the right color, it might be, ‘Oh I don’t want to spend $65.’ It really is the right product, the right formulation, and the right shade.’”

????And once you’ve found the perfect scent, skin care products, and shades with which to makeup your face, Sephora has yet another tool it wants you to use: Beauty Board, a feature within its smartphone app and on its website that functions like an in-house Instagram. Dolan scrolled through some of the latest posts: one featured gold glitter eyeliner; another, coral-colored cheeks. With Beauty Board, customers and staffers can upload photos of their freshly-done faces and tag products so others can emulate their look. Selfies, it turns out, are very much Sephora’s friend.

????“Ultimately the idea will be that a cast member will say ‘Hey, do you want me to take a picture of your makeover with your phone?,’” Dolan said, stopping on a photo of a twentysomething woman with turquoise eyeshadow. “Now you can look at that and say, ‘Oh, this is the product I should use to get that look,’ instead of going through all the trial and error.”

????With that, Dolan ducked away to spend some of her 7,000 points, consulting her phone to see what makeup staples she needed to refill. She hadn’t put down her phone the half hour we’d spent in the store, which, it turns out, is behavior Sephora expects and even encourages. “You can use your phone, we want you to take it out in our store,” she said. “It’s an opportunity for us, for sure.”

掃碼打開財(cái)富Plus App
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