


John Kell 2014年08月04日





????到目前為止,伏特加是美國市場最暢銷的酒精飲料,美國蒸餾酒委員會(Distilled Spirits Council of the U.S.)的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,去年伏特加為釀酒廠帶來了56億美元的營業(yè)收入,銷量占行業(yè)總量的32%。然而在過去幾年中,伏特加的銷量增長放緩,因為更多消費者轉(zhuǎn)向了龍舌蘭、波旁和田納西州威士忌。帝亞吉歐的業(yè)績凸顯了北美地區(qū)的這種銷售差異。唐胡里奧的銷售額上漲22%,而子彈波旁威士忌的銷售飆升了63%。

????帝亞吉歐公司財務(wù)總監(jiān) Deirdre Mahlan向《財富》雜志透露:“沒有跡象表明,消費者已對伏特加失去了興趣。今年伏特加品類在美國的銷量增長了4%。我們的品牌表現(xiàn)得并不是很好?!?/p>






????Despite recent sales weakness from Diageo’s U.S. vodka portfolio, the company is convinced consumers will keep saying: “I’ll have another.”

????The alcoholic-beverage giant has reported full-year sales and profit were stung by weak vodka sales in the U.S. and a broader drop in demand in China, though the alcoholic-beverages giant isn’t dissuaded and sees progress ahead.

????Overall, the maker of Johnnie Walker Scotch, Ketel One vodka and Don Julio tequila reported net sales slid 9% to 10.3 billion British pounds ($17.3 billion) for the year ended June 30.

????In North America, reported net sales dropped 7% due to weakness from the company’s vodka brands: Smirnoff and Ciroc reported sales declines while Ketel One demand was unchanged from the prior year.

????Vodka is by far the most popular spirit sold in the U.S., generating $5.6 billion in revenue for distillers last year and accounting for 32% of the industry’s total volume, according to the Distilled Spirits Council of the U.S. But volume growth has slowed the past few years, as more consumers turn to tequila, bourbon and Tennessee whiskey. Diageo’s results highlighted that divide North America. Don Julio’s sales leapt 22% while Bulleit bourbon posted a 63% jump in sales.

????“We don’t see a trend where vodka is going to no longer resonate with the consumer,” Diageo Chief Financial Officer Deirdre Mahlan told Fortune. “The vodka category grew 4% this year in the U.S. Our brands didn’t perform as well.”

????Mahlan said while it is “absolutely true that whiskeys are in vogue,” Diageo was pressured by heightened competition and some promotional pricing in the category. More than 200 new vodkas have hit U.S. shelves the past two years, and some of the lower priced brands are using promotions to drive scale. As a result, Diageo says Smirnoff in particular lost some market share as the company wanted to maintain pricing power against its rivals.

????Diageo says a better way to read its U.S. performance is to look at how well the higher priced beverages sold compared to more affordable options. Bulleit, Don Julio and the higher priced Johnnie Walker Scotches sold well, while Smirnoff and Captain Morgan rum were pressured as some consumers traded down to lower priced spirits.

????Mahlan and other consumer-product companies have in recent weeks called out pressure middle- and low-income Americans have felt as a result of payroll tax changes and an economic recovery that has left those on the lower economic rungs feeling left out.

????“I’m optimistic,” Mahlan said. “While you might trade down to a less expensive brand temporarily, when you can go back to a more aspirational brand, you tend to go back up.”

????The Greater China region was another area of concern, where sales slumped 33% in the latest fiscal year. Those problems didn’t drastically weigh down Diageo’s overall results, as China generates about 1% of the company’s global sales.

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