


John Kell 2014年08月08日


????據(jù)彭博社報道,總部位于加利福尼亞州的Mapp生物制藥公司最近推出了一款名叫ZMapp的試驗性藥物,該藥之前只在感染了埃博拉病毒的動物身上測試過,現(xiàn)在正用于治療肯特?布蘭特利和南茜?萊特博爾,這兩位醫(yī)務(wù)人員在利比里亞工作期間感染了埃博拉病毒。據(jù)彭博社(Bloomberg News)從病人家屬和看護人員那里了解到的情況看,目前這種藥物已經(jīng)起效了。




????(3)今年年初,Mapp等幾家生物制藥公司獲得了一筆五年期最高2800萬美元的獎金,用于一個抗擊埃博拉病毒的項目。這筆獎金是由美國國立衛(wèi)生研究院(National Institutes of Health)提供的,旨在通過全球合作開發(fā)出抗擊埃博拉病毒和青猴病、蘇丹亞型埃博拉病毒、拉沙病毒等出血熱病毒的雞尾酒療法。這筆獎金意在激勵所有參與方貢獻(xiàn)抗體,以開發(fā)最佳治療方案。

????(4)就在這筆獎金發(fā)放之前,美國陸軍傳染病醫(yī)學(xué)研究院(U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases)的研究顯示,一系列抗體的組合可以阻止埃博拉病毒的惡化。在試驗中,科學(xué)家們已經(jīng)成功地治療了開始出現(xiàn)病毒癥狀的靈長類動物。與此同時,Mapp公司也已經(jīng)和加拿大的Defyrus公司展開合作,以優(yōu)化更多專利療法的研發(fā)過程。



????In the wake of an Ebola outbreak in West Africa that has resulted in nearly 900 deaths, a tiny pharmaceutical maker has allowed an experimental treatment to be used for two Americans infected with the deadly virus.

????California-based Mapp Biopharmaceutical has released its experimental ZMapp drug, which had only been tested on infected animals, to treat Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol, according to Bloomberg News. The two health workers were infected while working in Liberia. The treatments for now appear to be working, Bloomberg said, citing relatives and supporters.

????Here are five things to know about Mapp and its efforts to develop a potential treatment for the Ebola virus.

????1) The Ebola virus has no cure. The disease is a severe illness in humans, with a fatality rate of up to 90%. Outbreaks often occur in remote villages in Central and West Africa, near tropical rain forests, according to the World Health Organization. It is introduced into the human population through close contact with blood or other bodily fluids of infected animals, WHO says.

????2) Mapp, which was founded in 2003, has no commercially available treatments on the market. The company focuses on “unmet needs in global health and biodefense,” and currently has 10 antibody product development programs, with one of those focusing on the Ebola virus.

????3) Mapp and a few other biopharmaceutical companies earlier this year were awarded a five-year grant of up to $28 million for a project to fight the Ebola virus. The grant, awarded by the National Institutes of Health, is meant to be a global collaboration to develop cocktails to fight Ebola and other hemorrhagic fever viruses such as Marburg, Sudan and Lassa viruses. The program is meant to encourage all participates to contribute antibodies to develop the best possible treatment.

????4) That grant was awarded after research from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases showed that a mix of antibodies can stop the Ebola virus. Scientists were able to successfully treat infected primates following the onset of disease symptoms. Around that time, Mapp had consolidated its antibody programs with Canada-based Defyrus, aiming to streamline the development of more potent treatments.

????5) The potential success of Mapp’s drug in treating Americans infected with the disease does raise questions about the limited use of experimental treatments after hundreds of Africans have died. Bloomberg reported the Food and Drug Administration can approve an emergency application to provide access to unapproved drugs, a request that can be granted within 24 hours.

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