


Ben Geier 2014年08月14日


????除了盛傳將在下個月推出的新iPhone手機外,彭博社(Bloomberg)報道稱,這家總部位于加州庫比蒂諾的科技巨頭還將在今年秋天推出新iPad平板電腦,且制造商已經(jīng)開始投入生產(chǎn)。據(jù)傳9.7英寸iPad正在生產(chǎn)中,7.9英寸iPad Mini將隨后投產(chǎn)。




????It looks like Apple fanboys will have two new gadgets to stand in line for this fall.

????In addition to the new iPhones, widely rumored to be coming out next month, Bloomberg is reporting that the Cupertino, Calif., technology giant will be rolling out new iPad tablets this fall, with manufacturers already starting to make the devices. The 9.7-inch iPad is said to already be in production, with the 7.9 inch iPad Mini likely to follow.

????The iPad business has been a tough one for Apple in the past several years. Sales fell to 13.3 million units last quarter, down from 14.1 million the same quarter the year before. The new iPad, combined with the new iPhone — which rumors say will also be released in two sizes — could put Apple back on a more stable footing in the mobile device world.

????Bloomberg also notes that the iPads could be using anti-reflective coating on its screens to make the device more readable, but the move could slow down production time.

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