


Miguel Helft,Andrew Nusca 2014年08月21日

????谷歌創(chuàng)投(Google Ventures)普通合伙人戴維?克萊恩8月19日在Twitter上寫道:“這是10年前的今年。我永遠(yuǎn)無法忘記的一天……”










????羅伯特?格雷菲爾德——時任及現(xiàn)任納斯達(dá)克首席執(zhí)行官(2012年,他曾因Facebook IPO被搞砸飽受批評。)







????彼得羅?多瓦——時任谷歌公司控制官兼財務(wù)總監(jiān);現(xiàn)任風(fēng)險投資公司XG Ventures創(chuàng)始合伙人(與原谷歌員工安德里亞?祖瑞克合作)。



????“This,” wrote the Google Ventures general partner David Krane yesterday on Twitter. “10 years ago, today. A day I’ll never forget…”

????The object in question was the photo-of-a-photo seen above, of Google executives preparing to ring the opening bell of Nasdaq in New York on August 19, 2004. As Fortune wrote yesterday, Google was a much smaller company then. It was involved in far fewer businesses, had dramatically less revenue, and employed just five percent of the people it does today.

????The people on stage for Google’s initial public offering that day didn’t even represent 1% of the company’s employees at the time, but many of them were important to the company’s early success. Below, a list of who those people are, what role they played on that day in 2004, and where they are today.

????In the front row

????Left to right:

????Unknown Nasdaq executive

????David Krane—then, Google’s director of Global Communications and Public Affairs;now, general partner at Google Ventures.

????George Reyes—then, Google’s chief financial officer; now, retired.

????Eric Schmidt—then, Google’s chief executive officer; now, Google’s executive chairman.

????Larry Page—then, Google’s president of products; now, Google’s chief executive officer.

????Robert Greifeld—then and now, Nasdaq’s chief executive officer. (You may remember him for bearing the criticism for Facebook’s botched IPO in 2012.)

????Unknown Nasdaq executive

????In the back row

????Left to right:

????Mona Chu—then, Google’s director of SEC reporting & technical accounting; now, unknown. (She left Google in June 2013, according to her LinkedIn profile.)

????Unknown executive

????Mark Fuchs—then, Google’s vice president of finance and chief accountant; now, unknown.

????Pietro Dova—then, Google’s corporate controller and finance director; now, a founding partner at XG Ventures (with ex-Googler Andrea Zurek).

????Marissa Mayer—then, Google’s director of consumer Web products; today, Yahoo’s president and chief executive officer.

????Douglas Merrill—then, Google’s chief information officer (he stitched together the IT behind the very complicated, multi-bank “Dutch” auction system); now, founder and chief executive of ZestFinance.

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