????如果回顧一下蘋果公司(Apple)的iPhone或豐田(Toyota)普銳斯(Prius)混合動力車從最初型號到現有版本的發(fā)展過程,人們會發(fā)現技術行業(yè)一個常見的軌跡:性能翻倍提升,產品更精致,創(chuàng)造了無數就業(yè)崗位,甚至顛覆了整個行業(yè)。 ????例如,iPhone在蜂窩網絡中最大的理論下載速度已從2007年“2G”iPhone的1兆字節(jié)/秒上升至如今5s型號的300兆字節(jié)/秒。其顯示屏的像素密度增加了一倍多,攝像頭已從廉價的配件轉變?yōu)橐环N實用的照相工具,而且其軟件能力要比iPhone誕生之時強大太多太多。(即便是蘋果應用商店如今也已發(fā)展到第二代了。) ????同樣,豐田的普銳斯混合動力車從2000年的鄰家怪胎(以及明星彰顯其環(huán)保態(tài)度的配飾)搖身一變?yōu)槿毡竞图又葑顣充N的交通工具。當前車型引擎的重量較最初型號輕了20%(總功率增加了20%),而且單次充電后行駛的里程更長。有人會說,沒有普銳斯,就不會有如今的特斯拉電動車(Tesla)。 ????然而在這些設備中,有一個組件這些年來一直沒有變化,那就是鋰離子電池。不管是在iPhone,還是普銳斯,甚至是特斯拉S車型,鋰電池用的還是1991年索尼公司(Sony)推出這一產品時所用的材料。當然,這并不是說人們沒有針對這種電池進行過創(chuàng)新。設備制造商在充電效率、冷卻和控制進入手機、汽車、筆記本和USB元件的電流流量方面做得越來越好,但這些電池的芯卻沒有怎么換過。即便是特斯拉計劃建造的50億美元超大型電池生產廠生產的仍是(如你所料)鋰電池組。 ????進一步的調查發(fā)現,人們對于哪一種電池技術可能能夠取代鋰電池仍是眾說紛紜,甚至連這方面的謠言都是寥寥無幾。 ????為探究其原因,《財富》(Fortune)向致力于開發(fā)下一代電池的5名知名研究人員、一名行為經濟學家和一名電池行業(yè)高管提出了一個簡單的問題:為什么電池技術的發(fā)展速度要比硬件慢如此之多? ????接下來你便會發(fā)現,答案的一成與化學有關,一成與心理學有關,而兩成則與上述問題的反問有關:對于一項未經過二十年發(fā)展的新電池技術,一旦裝上汽車,誰想成為首位駕駛該車的人? ????當今的電池技術:密度大、發(fā)熱量大、問題多 ????鋰離子電池技術在很多方面都是移動電源的主力軍。 ????鋰的原子量是3,如果你還記得中學化學的話,這意味著它有三個質子,非常輕,是除了氫和氦之外單位體積可填充密度最高的元素。芝加哥伊利諾伊州理工大學(Illinois Institute of Technology)物理學教授卡洛?塞格雷表示,鋰的物理量為化學家們所熟知,我們幾乎掌握了鋰離子在電池中流動的方式。 ????塞格雷說,“我認為歸根結底,鋰如此好的原因在于,它非常輕,而且能夠輕易地穿透隔離膜。而且其產生的電壓是已知材料中最高的之一。” ????鋰并不是鋰電池里的唯一材料,其中還混有錳(個人電子產品和交通工具)、磷酸鐵(高強度工作)和其他金屬。為了產生電壓,這種混合物會流經另一種材料:石墨、鈦溶液、硅和不同形式的碳(依情況而定)。對于大多數在相對安全的環(huán)境中所使用的非工業(yè)設備來說,流經石墨的是鋰錳氧化物,因為這種材料價格低廉,相對安全,而且密度高。 ????但是這一老產品也存在一些問題。這一進程會在一個高密度空間內產生熱量,需要采取一些冷卻措施。(例如,與特斯拉車身長度相當的液態(tài)冷卻設備擔負了大量的冷卻工作。)傳導鋰離子的電解液增加了電池的重量。電芯的容量在一段時間后就會下降。充電會讓鋰離子回流,但這一進程可以更快一些。充滿電解質的高密度鋰電池在發(fā)熱量超過一定程度之后有時會爆漿或爆炸,雖然這一情況很少見。 |
????If you were to track the upgrades for your Apple iPhone or Toyota Prius from their introduction to today, you will see a familiar arc in the technology industry: performance multiplies, the product is refined, jobs are created, even entire industries are reworked. ????Consider, for example, that the iPhone’s theoretical maximum download speed on cellular networks went from 1 megabyte per second for the 2007 “2G” iPhone to 300 mbps for today’s 5s model. Its display more than doubled in pixel density, its camera transformed from cheap afterthought to serious photography tool, and its software capabilities are far more robust than when the device was introduced. (Even the App Store is a second-generation feature.) ????Similarly, Toyota’s Prius hybrid car evolved from a neighborhood oddity (and celebrity eco-accessory) in 2000 to a best-selling vehicle in Japan and California. The engine in today’s model is 20 percent lighter (and offers 20 percent more total horsepower) than the original. Its distance-per-charge is longer. Without the Prius, it can be argued, there would be no Tesla. ????There’s is one component of all of these things that hasn’t changed in that time period: the lithium-ion battery. Whether in the iPhone, the Prius, and even the Tesla Model S, the Li-ion battery is essentially made of the same stuff as those first introduced by Sony in 1991. That’s not to say that innovation hasn’t happened around them, of course. Device-makers have become better at charging them, cooling them, and controlling how much power they draw into our phones, cars, laptops, and USB gadgets. But they’re still largely the same battery. Even Tesla’s $5 billion plans for a “giga”-sized battery factory involve the manufacture of—you guessed it—lithium-ion packs. ????Upon further investigation, there is little consensus on what kind of battery technology may replace lithium ion. There aren’t even rumors. ????To find out why, Fortune posed a simple question to five established researchers working on next-generation batteries, a behavioral economist, and a battery industry executive: Why is battery technology moving so much slower than hardware? ????As you’ll soon find out, the answer is one part chemistry, one part psychology, and two parts the answer to a counter-question: Who really wants to be the first to drive with a new type of battery that hasn’t benefited from two decades of development? ????Today’s battery tech: dense, hot, tricky ????Lithium-ion battery technology is in many ways the workhorse of portable power. ????Lithium’s atomic number is three, which, if you remember middle-school chemistry, means that it has three protons, is very lightweight, and can be packed more densely than any element other than hydrogen or helium. Lithium is a known quantity to chemists, says Carlo Segre, professor of physics at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, and we mostly understand how it flows inside a battery. ????“I think it really boils down to, the reason lithium is so good, is that it’s very light, and you can get it through a membrane very easily,” Segre says. “And the potential difference (voltage) you can generate is one of the highest we know.” ????It’s not just lithium that goes into a Li-ion battery. The element gets mixed with magnesium (for personal gadgets and vehicles), iron phosphate (for heavy-duty work), and other metals. That mixture flows into another material to create voltage: graphite, titanium solutions, silicon, and different forms of carbon, depending. In most non-industrial devices used in relatively safe conditions, you have lithium manganese oxide flowing into graphite, because those materials are cheap, relatively safe, and dense. ????But there are quite a few problems with the old faithful. The process generates heat in a dense space, requiring some kind of cooling system. (A tremendous amount of work went into Tesla’s car-length liquid cooling rig, for example.) The electrolyte that conducts lithium’s flow adds weight. The cells lose their capacity over time. Charging the battery, which makes the lithium flow back, could be quicker. And though it’s rare, we have seen that tightly packed batteries full of fluids, made very hot, can sometimes puncture or explode. |