
美國男子設(shè)假投資移民項(xiàng)目攬財(cái)遭起訴 中國投資者被騙上億

美國男子設(shè)假投資移民項(xiàng)目攬財(cái)遭起訴 中國投資者被騙上億

Peter Elkind 2014-09-02




????塞思宣稱要投資一個耗資9.12億美元的“LEED綠色建筑鉑金級認(rèn)證”綜合大樓項(xiàng)目,在奧黑爾機(jī)場(O’Hare Airport)附近的一塊2.8英畝土地上興建5家品牌酒店。為此,他與近300名富有的投資者簽了約。但起訴書指控稱,他是用荒誕的謊言與偽造文件募集到的資金,謊稱這個項(xiàng)目已獲得政府融資和許可,并從酒店連鎖機(jī)構(gòu)獲得入駐承諾,以及本人擁有豐富的開發(fā)經(jīng)驗(yàn)。





????A federal grand jury this afternoon brought criminal charges against AnshooSethi, the 30-year-old Chicago man whose audacious scheme to build a giant hotel and convention complex with $160 million he raised from Chinese investors was the subject of a recent Fortune investigation.

????The indictment charges Sethi with eight counts of wire fraud and two counts of making false statements. If convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of 20 years on each fraud count, and ten more years on the false-statement charges.

????Sethi, who previously reached a consent agreement with the Securities and Exchange Commission without acknowledging or denying culpability, raised the funds from Chinese investors seeking U.S. residency through the booming EB-5 visa program, which allows foreigners who invest at least $500,000 in American businesses to jump to the front of immigration line.

????Claiming to be building a $912-million, “Zero-Carbon Platinum LEED-certified” complex featuring five name-brand hotels on a 2.8-acre tract near O’Hare Airport, Sethi signed up nearly 300 wealthy investors. But he raised the money, the indictment charged, with a combination of outlandish lies and forged documents about the project’s government financing and permits, the commitments he had from hotel chains, and his own development experience.

????In truth, as Fortune reported, Sethi’s only experience in the lodging business was running his family’s shabby motel into the ground.

????The SEC’s civil fraud action, filed in February 2013, brought the scheme to a halt and ultimately recovered about $147 million in investor funds, which had been held in escrow. In a settlement last March, Sethi and his business entities were fined $3.9 million and he was barred from any association with the sale of securities for 20 years.

????In addition to prison time and fines, today’s indictment (as the SEC settlement did) seeks the recovery of an additional $11 million in administrative fees—$41,500 per investor—that Sethi collected. The money, which Sethi told investors was fully refundable if their visas were not approved, was supposed to be used solely for project expenses.

????According to the indictment, Sethi spent “nearly all” the money—and “misappropriated” at least $320,000 of the fees “for the purchase of luxury goods for himself, family, and friends,” to make a payment on an unrelated lawsuit settlement, and “to fund a cosmetic surgery business.”

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