
美國男子設(shè)假投資移民項目攬財遭起訴 中國投資者被騙上億

美國男子設(shè)假投資移民項目攬財遭起訴 中國投資者被騙上億

Peter Elkind 2014-09-02




????The SEC investigation began with a tip filed through the agency’s website that generated a record $14.7-million whistleblower award.

????Sethi’s lawyers provided a written statement noting that their client “worked nearly ten years” on the convention center project and that his family invested “millions of dollars in it.” The lawyers state that “the indictment ignores the key fact that, from the beginning, Mr. Sethi ensured that every penny of the wealthy foreign investors’ principal was always safely secured in an escrow account, and that each investor already has received 100% of their principal investment back. What remains to be returned to investors are the administrative fees that were paid with the understanding that they would be used to pay expenses associated with the investment. In his resolution of the SEC action in March 2014, Mr. Sethi already committed to repaying all those fees and is making substantial strides to accomplish that goal.” The statement asserts “the evidence will show that this project was real and that, while Mr. Sethi made serious mistakes in judgment, he was grossly ill-served by certain of the so-called ‘EB-5 experts’ and advisors that he engaged” and that “there were individuals who used the project to pursue their own private interests to the detriment of Mr. Sethi and the investors. Unfortunately, today’s indictment has oversimplified the story of what transpired. Mr. Sethi now looks forward to his opportunity to present the complete picture.”

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