


William G. Gale 2014年09月09日

????美國國會預(yù)算辦公室(Congressional Budget Office)最近公布了新的預(yù)算估算報告。這份報告已經(jīng)讓評論人士迎來了一系列感覺良好的時刻。他們表示,債務(wù)已經(jīng)得到控制。他們指出,聯(lián)邦醫(yī)療保險(Medicare)的預(yù)期成本將繼續(xù)下降。他們還宣稱,根據(jù)國會預(yù)算辦公室的估算,未來的利率水平也將下降,利息支出因而將減少。在一片歡呼雀躍聲中,值得指出的是,有兩個事實(shí)可能會延緩他們宣布贏得這場赤字戰(zhàn)爭“勝利”的時間。


????但是,政府債務(wù)占GDP比率預(yù)期不會下降。今后十年內(nèi),這個數(shù)字預(yù)計將緩慢上升,隨后還將迅速增長。以前,人們擔(dān)心政府債務(wù)將達(dá)到很高的水平,比方占GDP的74%。而現(xiàn)在,這已經(jīng)成為現(xiàn)實(shí)。在“經(jīng)濟(jì)大衰退(Great Recession)”之前,就算布什政府大幅度減稅,增加社會福利,提高國內(nèi)支出并擴(kuò)大軍事行動規(guī)模,那時的政府債務(wù)占GDP比率也只有現(xiàn)在的一半。




????The Congressional Budget Office recently put out new budget projections and commentators have had a series of feel-good moments about it. Debt is under control, they say. Projections of Medicare costs continue to fall, they point out. The CBO’s estimates of future interest rates, and hence interest payments, have come down as well, they echo. Amidst all of the congratulations, it is worth pointing out two facts that might give one pause in claiming “victory” in the deficit wars.

????First, the overall debt level is already high relative to historical norms. At its current level of 74%, the ratio of federal debt-to-GDP is at its highest ever, except for seven years around World War II. At that time, the debt ratio peaked at 106% at the end of the war and then fell rapidly, due to low interest rates, inflation, and a generation’s worth of strong economic growth that we can only hope to see again anytime soon.

????Now, however, the debt-to-GDP ratio is not projected to fall. It is projected to creep up slowly over the next decade and then more rapidly in the future. It used to be the case that people worried about whether the debt would increase to high levels – like 74% of GDP. Now, we have arrived there. Before the Great Recession, even with the major tax cuts, new entitlements, increased domestic spending and the expanded military operations of the Bush administration, the debt-to-GDP ratio was just half as big as it is now.

????It is interesting that many people who thought former U.S. president George W. Bush’s agenda was unaffordable back when the debt-to-GDP ratio was half as big as it is now feel that a ratio of 74% is nothing to worry about as debt is predicted to rise further.

????But higher deficits, as the CBO reminds us, will crowd out investment, reduce economic growth and reduce the increase in living standards for the population as a whole. More generally, if sustaining a high debt-to-GDP ratio were politically and economically costless, one would have seen many more countries, before the Great Recession, in high net debt territory. After all, countries could spend more and cut taxes with impunity if the debt-to-GDP ratio didn’t matter. In fact, very few were above 70 percent. It is not a good place to be historically nor comparatively.

????Second, the current projections of the deficit could prompt unwarranted complacency because they reflect both an improving economy and underlying spending and revenue trends. The figure below shows the CBO’s baseline projection that deficits are basically flat at just under 3% of GDP over the next five years, then rise slightly.

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