
eBay CEO親述為何要拆分PayPal

eBay CEO親述為何要拆分PayPal

JP Mangalindan 2014年10月09日



????在活躍投資家卡爾?伊坎發(fā)起公開運動號召拆分PayPal后的幾個月,此舉終于變成了現(xiàn)實。伊坎擁有eBay 3,080萬股份,預(yù)計這個消息將使他凈入1.8億美元。伊坎曾表示,如果PayPal能脫離母公司獨立出來,將會發(fā)展得更快,價值也會更高。(多納霍則在今年3月稱eBay和PayPal在一起才更強大。)



????盡管eBay的在線商城,也就是公司的核心業(yè)務(wù),為PayPal的年收入貢獻了超過30%的份額,但多納霍預(yù)計這一數(shù)值將會在三年內(nèi)降至15%。eBay去年的業(yè)務(wù)收入99億美元,超過了PayPal的72億美元,但PayPal 的增長率為19%,超過了eBay的10%。有鑒于此,多納霍表示,PayPal已經(jīng)達到了足夠的規(guī)模,不再需要母公司的羈絆了。


????業(yè)務(wù)拆分預(yù)計將于2015年下半年完成,隨后多納霍將會離開首席執(zhí)行官的崗位。目前負責eBay在線商城的德文?維尼格將成為eBay獨立后的首席執(zhí)行官,而前美國運通(American Express)的高管丹尼爾?舒爾曼將執(zhí)掌PayPal。


????加拿大皇家銀行資本市場(RBC Capital Markets)的總經(jīng)理兼分析師馬克?馬哈尼在報告中表示:“這是一個積極的舉措,拆分行動將釋放更多價值?!钡湼窭碣Y本(Macquarie Capital)的分析師本?沙赫特認為,拆分在幫助eBay和PayPal應(yīng)對日益激烈的競爭帶來的挑戰(zhàn)上,帶來不了什么幫助。



????當多納霍明年卸任時,他就已經(jīng)在eBay干滿10年了。2005年,多納霍受到當時的首席執(zhí)行官和之前在貝恩咨詢公司(Bain & Company)的同事梅格?惠德曼的招攬,加入了eBay,負責運營在線商城,并最終接替她擔任首席執(zhí)行官。多納霍雄心勃勃的重整計劃——包括將商城的重點從拍賣轉(zhuǎn)向定價商品——取得了很大的成功。自他六年前擔任首席執(zhí)行官至今,eBay的股價翻了一倍以上,達到現(xiàn)在的57美元。



????Seven months after making the case against spinning off PayPal to Fortune, eBay CEO John Donahoe is singing a different tune.

????On Tuesday, eBay announced plans to spin-off online payments service PayPal into a separate, publicly traded company. Doing so, according to eBay, will help both businesses take advantage of new opportunities to grow in challenging markets.

????The move comes months after activist investor Carl Icahn waged a public campaign for a PayPal spin-off. Icahn, who owns 30.8 million shares of eBay and is expected to make $180 million from today’s news, argued PayPal would grow faster and therefore be more valuable if cleaved from its parent company. (In March, Donahoe made the case that eBay and PayPal were stronger businesses together.)

????But in an interview with Fortune on Tuesday, Donahoe, said the proxy fight earlier this year did not sway eBay’s board. Rather, the about-face came after a strategic review during a June board retreat that showed the split would benefit both companies.

????“The synergies which helped fuel [PayPal's growth] are declining over time,” Donahoe said.

????While eBay’s marketplace, the company’s core business, accounts for over 30% of PayPal’s annual revenues, Donahoe predicted that figure will dwindle to just 15% within three years. And while the marketplaces $9.9 billion in revenues last year eclipsed PayPal’s $7.2 billion, PayPal’s 19% annual revenue growth outpaced Marketplaces’ 10%. Because of that, Donahoe said PayPal has reached a size and scale where it is no longer in need of being tethered to its sister division.

????“This was a very important decision, and we were not going to make it in a reactive way based on some external event,” said Donahoe, referring to the proxy fight earlier this year with Icahn. “What I have always tried to do and will always try to do is to do the right thing, to do the right thing for eBay and position eBay for the long-term.”

????Donahoe will step down from his CEO role after the spin-off is complete, which is expected in the second half of 2015. Devin Wenig, who is currently in charge of eBay’s online marketplace, will become CEO of the newly independent eBay while American Express executive Daniel Schulman is taking the helm at PayPal.

????Icahn is pleased with today’s news, regardless. In a statement, he said eBay’s board and management “have acted responsibly concerning the separation — perhaps a little later than they should have but earlier than we expected.”

????“This is a positive, and the spin-off unlocks value,” Mark Mahaney, managing director and analyst for RBC Capital Markets, wrote in a report on Tuesday. But Ben Schachter, a Macquarie Capital analyst, argued the separate does little to address the challenges eBay and PayPal face vis-a-vis increasing competition.

????EBay EBAY -1.08% competes with Amazon and an array of other online and bricks and mortar retailers. Meanwhile, PayPal faces off against upstarts like Square, Stripe and Apple’s new payment service, Pay.

????Schachter did say that the split-up does make it easier for the separate companies to make acquisitions and sign up partners.

????When Donahoe steps down next year, he will have spent 10 years at eBay. Donahoe arrived in 2005, wooed by then-CEO and ex-Bain & Company colleague Meg Whitman to run the online marketplaces and eventually succeed her. Donahoe’s ambitious turnaround plan — a strategy that included changing marketplaces’s focus from auctions to fixed-priced items — has proven largely successful. EBay’s shares have more than doubled to $57 since he became CEO more than 6 years ago.

????Donahoe, who still has another year left as CEO, has offered to serve on eBay and PayPal’s boards next year, although whether he does so is up for debate. And while he called his leadership stint a wonderful, enormous learning opportunity,” he emphasized there was more work to be done. Added Donahoe: “I’m not looking backward yet. I’m looking forward.”

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