


Caroline Fairchild 2014-10-17
一位前臺接待是否有可能坐上公司CEO寶座?Hill Holliday廣告公司CEO凱倫?卡普蘭就成就了這樣一段傳奇。前不久,她向《財富》講述了自己出乎意料的職業(yè)道路,上世紀80年代廣告人的實際處境,以及她得到的最好建議。

????在向波士頓廣告公司Hill Holliday申請第一份工作時,凱倫?卡普蘭甚至都沒有想過投身廣告業(yè)。當時22歲的卡普蘭來公司面試的職位是前臺。當時,她正在攢錢攻讀法學院,而且正忙著法學院入學考試,所以她希望找一份能幫助支付賬單的低投入工作。而32年后,卡普蘭并沒有離開Hill Holliday。她在Hill Holliday先后擔任過16個不同的崗位,現(xiàn)任公司首席執(zhí)行官。




????凱倫?卡普蘭:第一次去Hill Holliday面試的時候,我一走出電梯,便喜歡上了那里的氛圍和活力。之前,招聘人員告訴我,即將對我進行面試的時任CEO已經(jīng)否定了40位候選人。我并沒有為面試投入全部精力,但我也想看看自己能否得到認可。在前臺等待面試的20分鐘,對我之后的職業(yè)生涯有著非常重要的意義。我感覺到一種極具吸引力的氛圍和活力,當我走進他的辦公室接受面試的時候,我真的很想得到那份工作。

????Karen Kaplan didn’t even want to work in advertising when she applied for her first job at the Boston-based ad firm Hill Holliday. At the age of 22, Kaplan walked into the company’s office for an interview to be a receptionist. She was looking for a low-commitment job that would help pay the bills while she saved money for law school and studied for the LSAT. Some 32 years later, Kaplan hasn’t left Hill Holliday. Now, after having 16 different jobs at the firm, she’s the company’s chief executive.

????The receptionist turned CEO talked to Fortune about her unpredictable career path, what it was like to work in advertising in the 1980s, and the best advice she ever had.

????(Edited for length and clarity)

????Fortune: When did you realize that you might want to work in advertising?

????Karen Kaplan:When I got off the elevator for my first interview at Hill Holliday, I really liked the vibe and the energy. I was previously told by the recruiter that the then-CEO that I was interviewing with had already rejected 40 candidates. I wasn’t all in, but I wanted to see if I could get it. The 20 minutes that I sat in reception waiting for that interview became really really important to the rest of my career. It was a vibe and an energy that was magnetic and then when I got into his office for the interview, I really wanted the job.

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