


Adam Lashinsky 2014年10月17日


????這位名叫史蒂芬?米盧諾維奇的分析師一度離開(kāi)研究領(lǐng)域。但他如今又回來(lái)了。目前,米盧諾維奇供職于瑞銀集團(tuán)(UBS),負(fù)責(zé)追蹤企業(yè)級(jí)科技公司,也就是那些將技術(shù)賣給其他公司,而不是消費(fèi)者的公司。他仍然密切注意惠普的動(dòng)向。該公司上周宣布了一項(xiàng)分拆計(jì)劃:惠普將一分為二,一個(gè)是專注從事消費(fèi)PC和打印機(jī)業(yè)務(wù)的惠普公司(HP Inc),另一個(gè)是從事企業(yè)級(jí)硬件和軟件業(yè)務(wù)的惠普企業(yè)公司(Hewlett-Packard Enterprise)。

????企業(yè)分拆通常能夠贏得一片喝彩聲,但這一次,各方的反映一直不溫不火。詹姆斯?斯圖爾特上周末發(fā)表于《紐約時(shí)報(bào)》(The New York Times)的文章,總體上看淡這兩家公司的發(fā)展前景。在每周更新一次的博客《周一觀察》(Monday Note)中,讓-路易斯?蓋瑟從歷史的角度,對(duì)惠普的文化進(jìn)行了一番精彩評(píng)論,聲稱這家公司如今是一個(gè)“疲憊的混合體”







????In 2005, when Carol Loomis wrote one of her signature, exhaustive articles for Fortune, this one about Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina’s troubled acquisition of Compaq, she quoted a Wall Street analyst who predicted that HP HP -5.89% would one day be split up.

????That analyst, Steven Milunovich, left the research business for a time. But he’s back at it again, now working at UBS, where he covers enterprise technology companies—that is, companies that sell technology to other companies as opposed to consumers. Milunovich is still paying careful attention to HP, which announced last week that it is splitting its consumer PC and printer businesses (to be called HP Inc) from its enterprise hardware and software lines (to be known as Hewlett-Packard Enterprise).

????Reaction to the spin-off, beyond general praise for spin-offs, has been tepid. Writing in The New York Times over the weekend, James Stewart walks through HP’s generally weak prospects on both sides of its house. In his weekly “Monday Note,” Jean-Louis Gassée provides outstanding historical commentary on HP’s culture, calling the company today a “tired conglomeration.”

????As for Milunovich, he finds some reasons for guarded optimism about HP. I reached him at his desk in New York last week. Below is an edited version of our conversation.

????I wrote in an essay on the day the split was announced that HP didn’t much matter anymore, at least not the way it used to. Do you agree?

????HP’s obviously lost a lot of luster. It’s not the company it once was. But it is one of the largest consumer computing companies. Clearly Apple AAPL -0.91% has surpassed it. But HP is very close to being the number-one PC company globally. They are the premier printing company. Where they have faded is on the enterprise side, and the innovation halo they once had is long gone. But I wouldn’t say it doesn’t matter. I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration.

????Talk about your 2005 prediction.

????I apparently predicted that printers would be peeled off from PCs. I’ve always been a big believer in focus. It’s the most powerful factor in business. In the case of HP we always felt it was difficult being the premier consumer and enterprise company. Microsoft MSFT -0.86% clearly has had similar issues. In HP’s case there’s no silver bullet. No one unit is being held back. But it doesn’t encourage focus. I would argue that they should have done this years ago.

????As you note, HP isn’t separating printers and PCs, meaning the Compaq acquisition is remaining somewhat intact.

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