


Shalene Gupta 2014年10月23日

????這個小東西比皮克斯動畫工作室(Pixar)的電影《機(jī)器人總動員》(Wall-E)中的監(jiān)控機(jī)器人EVE更加可愛,但它監(jiān)控的不是植物,而是漏水和發(fā)霉現(xiàn)象。SNUPI Technologies的Wally配備了很多感應(yīng)器,你可以把它們放在房子周圍的任何地方,用來監(jiān)控溫度、水分和濕度。感應(yīng)器一旦發(fā)現(xiàn)漏水情況,就會對你發(fā)出警報。如果它們發(fā)現(xiàn)外界有任何情況超出了合理范圍,也會向你報警,這樣你就能在水管結(jié)冰或干板墻發(fā)霉前防患于未然。


????This little guy is cuter than the surveillance robot EVE from the Pixar film Wall-E, but it detects water leaks and mold instead of vegetation. SNUPI Technologies’ Wally comes with sensors that you can place anywhere around your house to monitor temperature, moisture and humidity. The sensors send you an alert when they detect leaks. If they find anything outside of an acceptable range they also send you an alert so you can fix the problem before it causes major damage like frozen pipes or mold beneath the drywall.

????Temperature Control: Aros Smart Window Air Conditioner ($279)



????The Crock-Pot公司推出的這款慢燉鍋,搭載了貝爾金公司(Belkin)的WeMo無線開關(guān)系統(tǒng),幾乎不需要你進(jìn)行控制。你只需要把食物放進(jìn)去,設(shè)定烹飪溫度,就可以利用你的手機(jī)在全球任何地方監(jiān)控烹飪過程了。你可以遠(yuǎn)程改變慢燉鍋的設(shè)定,比如提高溫度或者增加烹飪時間。無論你在哪里,何時回家,都可以保證熱氣騰騰的晚餐在等著你。它不能像三星智能冰箱一樣讓你發(fā)微博或查看谷歌日歷,但當(dāng)晚餐正在等待你大快朵頤的時候,誰會有空做這些事呢?(財富中文網(wǎng))


????For people who want smart cooling without central air, or who just want to switch over to cooling a single room to cut down on energy costs, the Aros window unit by Quirky and GE covers all your bases. Really! Not only does it track your routine and learn when you want to get your cool on, it also tracks your usage and suggests how to adjust the settings so you can save money. It can also automatically turn itself off when you leave and turn back on as you near home - based on your phone's GPS - so it’s the perfect temperature when you walk in the door.

????Cooking: Crock-Pot Smart Slow Cooker ($129.99)

????This slow cooker brought to you by The Crock-Pot and Belkin WeMo barely needs you. Just put the food in, set the temperature, and then monitor the cooking from anywhere in the world with your phone. You can change the crock pot's settings remotely— to turn the heat up or add more cooking time. No matter where you are and when you get home, you can make sure dinner will be warm and waiting for you. It doesn’t let you tweet or check Google calendar like Samsung’s infamous smart fridge, but then who has the time for all that, when dinner is waiting?

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