支付不能承受之輕——Apple Pay使用初體驗

????在蘋果公司(Apple)9月9日舉行的發(fā)布會上,新產(chǎn)品Apple Watch無疑搶盡了風(fēng)頭,但與Apple Pay相比,它只能算是個暖場,蘋果的無接觸式移動支付系統(tǒng)才是最迷人的新東西。多年以來,由于界面粗糙、支持坑坑洼洼,手機無縫支付始終停留在理論階段。憑借最新版的iOS手機操作系統(tǒng),蘋果終于正式進軍這一市場。這家技術(shù)巨頭能夠?qū)崿F(xiàn)其他眾多公司尚未實現(xiàn)的夢想嗎? ????隨著iOS 8.1在上周強勁推出,我們終于有機會一探究竟。Apple Pay已經(jīng)獲得美國各大銀行、信用卡公司及零售巨頭的全面支持,而且個個來頭不?。壕S薩(Visa)、萬事達(MasterCard)、美國運通(American Express)、富國銀行(Wells Fargo)、花旗(Citi)、第一資本(Capital One)、富樂客(Foot Locker)、沃爾格林(Walgreens)、梅西百貨(Macy’s)和麥當勞(McDonald’s)等,均承諾接受新的支付方式。于是很自然地,我腦海里冒出的第一個念頭就是去真實體驗一把Apple Pay。 ????Apple Pay的初始設(shè)置非常簡單。程序會提示你是否愿意在購買實體商品時采用你在蘋果App Store和iTunes中使用的支付信息。我按了“同意”,但是決定再添加幾張我常用的銀行卡(最多可添加八個賬號)。具體流程是:使用iPhone相機拍下你的銀行卡,然后準確輸入相關(guān)信息,認證身份。其中,運通銀行卡的操作非常順利,可大通銀行卡由于前衛(wèi)的豎版設(shè)計導(dǎo)致程序出錯。于是,我不得不原始地手動輸入信息,等著接受驗證碼短信。最后,我試著添加我的Simple借記卡,結(jié)果馬上收到短信,提示說銀行不支持Apple Pay。郁悶。 ????我花了不到5分鐘就設(shè)置好了Apple Pay,然后起身出發(fā),準備在這個科羅拉多的小鎮(zhèn)進行一番實地測試。我的第一站是自己經(jīng)常光顧的一家本地餐館。吃完飯結(jié)賬時,我問:“可以用Apple Pay付款嗎?”那位女服務(wù)員一頭霧水,猶猶豫豫地說:“哦,我們使用iPad,可以刷你的銀行卡?!焙冒?,我想,這畢竟是我進入“后錢包時代”的第一天。然后我遞上我的借記卡付了賬。 ????在回家的路上,我停下來加油。加好油后,我對著付款終端舉起iPhone手機,手指緊緊按住Touch ID指紋識別感應(yīng)器。我滿心期待著會出現(xiàn)什么。結(jié)果什么也沒有。我只得再插入我的借記卡。 |
????There is little doubt that the new Apple Watch stole the show during the company’s big event on September 9, but it was the introduction of Apple Pay, its contact-less mobile payment system, that was the most intriguing. For years, the ability to seamlessly pay for goods with your phone has been more fiction than reality, marred by clumsy interfaces and spotty support. With the latest version of its mobile operating system, iOS, Apple AAPL 1.55% was finally throwing its hat into the ring. Could the technology company accomplish what so many others have not? ????Last week, we were finally able to find out when iOS 8.1 hit the airwaves. Apple Pay comes with support from a number of banks, credit card companies, and big-box retailers. The list is exhaustive: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Wells Fargo, Citi, Capital One, Foot Locker, Walgreens, Macy’s, and McDonald’s each promise to accept the new payment method. Naturally, the first thing I wanted to do was test it out in the real world. ????Initial setup for Apple Pay is fairly simple. The application asks if you want to use the same payment information used for buying apps in Apple’s App Store and media in iTunes to purchase physical goods. I agreed with a tap of my finger, but chose to add more cards to the service while I was at it. (You can add up to eight accounts.) The process works like so: snap a photo of your card with the iPhone’s camera, then enter a few extra pieces of information to confirm your identity. It was smooth sailing for my American Express card, but my Chase card gave the app trouble, due to its funky sideways layout. So I hand-keyed the information in, like a technophilic caveman, and waited for a verification code to arrive as a text message. Finally, I attempted to add my Simple debit card, but was promptly greeted by a message informing me that the bank didn’t support Apple Pay. Bummer. ????It took me less than five minutes to set up Apple Pay. Then I set out to test it in my Colorado town. My first stop was at a local restaurant where I frequently dine. After eating a meal and receiving the bill, I asked, “Do you accept Apple Pay?” The clerk, unsure of herself, responded with hesitation: “Um, we use iPads and can swipe your card.” Fair enough, I thought, this is the first day of living in a post-wallet world. I handed over my plastic debit card. ????On the way home I stopped to get gas. After refueling my car, I held up my iPhone to the payment terminal, finger firmly placed over the Touch ID sensor. I waited for something to happen. My efforts were futile. I inserted my debit card. |